►NPhysics | Name containing various physics models for running chombo-discharge code |
►NAdvectionDiffusion | Namespace for encapsulating AdvectionDiffusion physics code |
CAdvectionDiffusionSpecies | Advection and diffused species for AdvectionDiffusionStepper |
CAdvectionDiffusionStepper | Implementation of TimeStepper which runs a single advection-diffusion-reaction solver |
CAdvectionDiffusionTagger | Class for tagging cells in AdvectionDiffusion physics |
►NBrownianWalker | Namespace for encapsulating physics code for describing Brownian walkers |
CBrownianWalkerSpecies | Species which is advected/diffused in Brownian walker code |
CBrownianWalkerStepper | Implementation of TimeStepper which advances an ItoSolver |
CBrownianWalkerTagger | Implementation of CellTagger for tagging cells for Brownian walker physics |
►NCdrPlasma | Namespace for encapsulating CDR plasma code |
CCdrPlasmaFieldTagger | Lightweight tagging class which flags cells for refinement/coarsening using the electric field only |
►CCdrPlasmaGodunovStepper | Class for evolving plasma equations using a split step Godunov method |
CCdrStorage | Utility class for memory handling in CdrPlasmaStepper |
CFieldStorage | Utility class for memory handling in CdrPlasmaStepper |
CRtStorage | Utility class for memory handling in CdrPlasmaStepper |
CSigmaStorage | Utility class for memory handling in CdrPlasmaStepper |
►CCdrPlasmaImExSdcStepper | Class for evolving plasma equations using implicit-explicit spectral deferred corrections |
CCdrStorage | |
CFieldStorage | |
CRtStorage | |
CSigmaStorage | |
CCdrPlasmaJSON | Class which implements CdrPlasmaPhysics and parses plasma chemistry from a JSON input file |
CCdrPlasmaPhotoReactionJSON | Class for encapsulating reactive process of type A + B + Y -> X3 + for CdrPlasmaPhysics. This class just stores a list of product target species |
CCdrPlasmaPhysics | Abstract base class for specifying plasma kinetics. This is the base class used by CdrPlasmaStepper when advancing the minimal plasma model |
CCdrPlasmaReactionJSON | Class for encapsulating reactive process of type X1 + X2 -> X3 + Y for CdrPlasmaPhysics. This class just stores a list of product and target species |
CCdrPlasmaStepper | Abstract class for evolving the minimal plasma model in time |
CCdrPlasmaStreamerTagger | Class which implements CdrPlasmaFieldTagger and refines cells based on the criterion alpha*dx > threshold or on the curvature of the electric field |
CCdrPlasmaSurfaceReactionJSON | Class for encapsulating reactive process of type A + B + Y -> X3 + for CdrPlasmaPhysics. This class just stores a list of product target species |
CCdrPlasmaTagger | Abstract Class which implements CellTagger for the CDR plasma physics module |
CCdrSpeciesJSON | Encapsulation of species settings and initial conditions for CDR species in CdrPlasma |
CNeutralSpeciesJSON | Encapsulation of species settings and initial conditiosn for use with CdrPlasma. This is for tracked species |
CRteSpeciesJSON | Encapsulation of radiative transfer species for usage with CdrPlasmaJSON |
►NDischargeInception | |
CDischargeInceptionSpecies | Advection and diffused species for DischargeInceptionStepper |
CDischargeInceptionStepper | Class for streamer inception integral evaluations |
CDischargeInceptionTagger | Class for tagging cells in the DischargeInception module |
►NElectrostatics | Namespace for encapsulating physics code for electrostatic problems |
CFieldStepper | Implementation of TimeStepper for solving electrostatic problems. The template parameter is the FieldSolver implementation type |
►NGeometry | Namespace for encapsulating the Geometry module – i.e. functionality for just plotting various geometries |
CGeometryStepper | This implementation does absolutely nothing – it instantiates a TimeStepper with empty functionality |
►NItoKMC | |
CItoKMCBackgroundSpecies | Encapsulation of a background species for usage with ItoKMCJSON |
CItoKMCCDRSpecies | Simple CdrSpecies class for usage with ItoKMC |
CItoKMCFieldTagger | Lightweight tagging class. Only tags cells based on the electric field |
CItoKMCGodunovStepper | Implementation of ItoKMCStepper that uses a semi-implicit split-step formalism for advancing the Ito-Poisson-KMC system |
CItoKMCJSON | Implementation of ItoKMCPhysics which parses input data from a JSON file |
CItoKMCPhotonSpecies | Simple RtSpecies class for usage with ItoKMCJSON |
CItoKMCPhotoReaction | Reaction class for describing photoionization in ItoKMCPhysics |
CItoKMCPhysics | Base class for interaction between Kinetic Monte Carlo and Ito-based plasma solvers |
CItoKMCStepper | Base time stepper class that advances the Ito-KMC-Poisson system of equations. If you want a different underlying solver, change the template arguments |
CItoKMCStreamerTagger | Cell tagging class for streamers |
CItoKMCSurfaceReaction | Reaction class for describing secondary emissions due to a single outgoing particle in ItoKMCPhysics |
CItoKMCSurfaceReactions | Reaction class for describing multiple pathways of secondary emissions due to a single outgoing particle in ItoKMCPhysics |
CItoKMCSurfaceReactionSet | Class for holding a set of surface reactions |
CItoKMCTagger | Class for tagging grid cells using the Ito-KMC-Poisson module. Note that S is the time integrator type that is used |
►NMeshODE | |
CMeshODEStepper | Implementation of TimeStepper for solving an ODE on a mesh. N is the number of variables |
►NRadiativeTransfer | Namespace for encapsulating the radiative transfer physics module |
CRadiativeTransferSpecies | Implementation of RtSpecies for usage in RadiativeTransfer module |
CRadiativeTransferStepper | Implementation of TimeStepper for solving for a single radiative transfer species. This supports both Monte Carlo photons and Helmholtz approximations through the common RtSolver interface |
►NTracerParticle | Namespace for encapsulating physics code for tracer particles |
CTracerParticleStepper | Implementation of TimeStepper for advancing tracer particles in a fixed velocity field |
CAerosol | Simple class for making a bunch of (manually constructored) dielectric sphere |
CAmrMesh | Class for handling spatial operations |
CBoundedNoisePlane | Infinite plane with spatially bounded surface noise (Perlin noise) |
CBoxSdf | Class for defining a two- or three-dimensional box with arbitrary centroid and orientation |
CCdrCTU | Class that uses a slope limited method for advection, in combination with corner transport upwind (CTU) |
CCdrDomainBC | Class for encapsulating possible domain boundary conditions for CdrSolver |
CCdrFactory | Factory class for CdrLayout. T is (usually) CdrSolver and S is the implementation class (e.g., CdrCTU) |
CCdrGodunov | Godunov implementation for advection |
CCdrIterator | Iterator class for CdrLayout. This allows iteration through solvers (or subsets of solvers) |
CCdrLayout | Class for holding a set of CdrSolvers |
CCdrMultigrid | Extension class of CdrSolver that uses multigrid for diffusion part. Can also solve for stochastic diffusion |
CCdrSolver | Base class for solving convection-diffusion-reaction equations |
CCdrSpecies | Abstract class that describes the scalar quantity that is advected in CdrSolver |
CCellInfo | Class for the cell-information that is often queried when merging particles inside a cell |
CCellTagger | Base class for tagging cells across an AMR hierarchy |
CCentroidInterpolationStencil | Class which can take cell-centered data and interpolate it to cell centroids |
CCoarseInterpQuadCF | Class for computing the required Taylor terms for doing the orthogonal extrapolation to the ghost cell position. This is used in conjuction with EBLeastSquaresMultigridInterpolator.H, and should be understood in that context only |
CCoaxialCable | This is a class that defines a coaxial cable geometry |
CComputationalGeometry | Abstract base class for geometries |
CCylinder | This is a class that defines a cylinder geometry |
CCylinderSdf | Declaration of a cylinder IF class |
CDataOps | Agglomeration of useful data operations |
CDielectric | Dielectric class. Simple tuple |
CDiskProfiledPlane | CD_DiskProfiledPlane.H |
CDomainFluxIFFAB | Class for holding fluxes on domain boundaries |
CDomainFluxIFFABFactory | Factory class for making DomainFluxIFFAB |
CDoubleRod | This is a class that defines two dielectric rods |
CDriver | Main class for time/space advancement of streamer equations |
CEBAddOp | A Copier class for making copying between BoxLayoutData<EBCellFAB> easier. This increments EBCellFABs when calling copyTo (with the correct Copier) |
CEBAMRData | Default class for holding LevelData<T> data across an EBAMR realm |
CEBAMRParticleMesh | Class for handling particle-mesh operations with AMR |
CEBAMRSurfaceDeposition | Class for handling surface deposition of particles with EB and AMR |
CEbCentroidInterpolationStencil | Class which can take cell-centered data and interpolate it to embedded boundary centroids |
CEBCoarAve | Class which replaces data at coarse level of refinement with average at fine level of refinement |
CEBCoarseFineParticleMesh | A class for handling particle deposition clouds that hang over refinement boundaries. This class does not include any deposition functionality but provides buffers for moving mass between two levels |
CEBCoarseToFineInterp | Class for interpolating data to fine grids. Can use constant interpolation or include limiters |
CEBFluxRedistribution | Class for redistribution ala Chombo's flux redistribution |
CEBGeometryIF | Shallow binding of EBGeometry signed distance functions to Chombo |
CEBGhostCellInterpolator | Class which can interpolate ghost cells across the coarse-fine interface. To select an interpolation method, use the type argument |
CEBGradient | Class for computing gradients in an EBAMR context |
CEBHelmholtzDirichletDomainBC | Boundary condition class for passing Dirichlet domain boundary conditions into EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzDirichletDomainBCFactory | Factory class for passing Dirichlet domain boundary conditions into EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzDirichletEBBC | Base class for passing Dirichlet EB boundary conditions into EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzDirichletEBBCFactory | Factory class for making Dirichlet BCs on EBs in EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzDomainBC | Base class for passing domain boundary conditions into EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzDomainBCFactory | Base class for passing domain boundary conditions into EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzEBBC | Base class for passing EB boundary conditions into EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzEBBCFactory | Factory class for making EBHelmholtzEBBCs |
CEBHelmholtzEddingtonSP1DomainBC | Class for passing EddingtonSP1 domain boundary conditions into EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzEddingtonSP1DomainBCFactory | Base class for passing EddingtonSP1 domain boundary conditions into EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzElectrostaticDomainBC | Class for passing electrostatic domain boundary conditions into EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzLarsenDomainBC | Base class for passing Larsen domain boundary conditions into EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzLarsenDomainBCFactory | Class for making Larsen boundary conditions |
CEBHelmholtzLarsenEBBCFactory | Class for making Larsen boundary conditions |
CEBHelmholtzNeumannDomainBC | Boundary condition class for passing Neumann domain boundary conditions into EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzNeumannDomainBCFactory | Class for passing Neumann boundary domain boundary conditions into EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzNeumannEBBC | Base class for passing Neumann EB boundary conditions into EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzNeumannEBBCFactory | Factory class which generates EBHelmholtzNeumannEBBC |
CEBHelmholtzOp | Helmholtz operator for equations like alpha*a(x)*phi(x) + beta*div(b(x)*grad(phi(x))) = rho |
CEBHelmholtzOpFactory | Factory class for making variable-coefficient Helmholtz operators |
CEBHelmholtzRobinDomainBC | Base class for passing Robin domain boundary conditions into EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzRobinDomainBCFactory | Base class for making Robin domain boundary conditions with EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzRobinEBBC | Base class for passing Robin EB boundary conditions into EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBHelmholtzRobinEBBCFactory | Base class for making Robin boundary conditions with EBHelmholtzOp |
CEBLeastSquaresMultigridInterpolator | Multigrid interpolator class |
CEBMGProlong | Class for prolongation of multigrid residual onto a finer grid |
CEBMGRestrict | Class for restricting multigrid residual onto a coarser grid |
CEBMultigridInterpolator | Multigrid interpolator class |
CEBParticleMesh | A class for depositing and interpolating particles. Contains various useful routines for interpolation of different fields in the base particle class (e.g., mass, "mobility"). This class also contains functions for depositing particles with 2/4 times the usual particle width, which is included because we want to support deposition of particles over refinement boundaries |
CEBReflux | Class which can do refluxing across a coarse-fine interface |
CEddingtonSP1 | Radiative tranfer equation solver in the SP1 (diffusion) approximation |
CEddingtonSP1DomainBc | Class which maps boundary condition types to a side and direction |
CElectrode | Electrode class for encapsulating the concept of an electrical conductor |
CElectrodeArray | This is a class that defines an array of electrodes |
CElectrostaticDomainBc | Class which maps boundary condition types to a side and direction |
CElectrostaticEbBc | Class which maps boundary condition types to a side and direction |
CFieldSolver | Base class for electrostatic solvers |
CFieldSolverFactory | Factory class for poisson solvers. Used to instantiate any FieldSolver-derived classes with automatic casting to the base class |
CFieldSolverMultigrid | Implementation of FieldSolver which uses multigrid |
CGenericParticle | A generic particle class, holding the position and a specified number of real and vector values |
CGeoCoarsener | Utility class for removing geometrically tagged cells |
CGradedPerlinSphereSdf | GradedPerlinSphereSdf function |
CHollowCylinderIF | This class is used to generate a hollow cylinder with rounded edges |
CHyperboloidIF | Declaration of a two-sheet hyperboloid |
CHyperboloidOneIF | Declaration of a one-sheet hyperboloid |
CHyperboloidTwoIF | Declaration of a two-sheet hyperboloid |
CIrregAddOp | A Copier class for making copying between LevelData<BaseIVFAB<Real>> easier. This is an incrementation operator |
CIrregAmrStencil | Class for holding VoFStencils on irregular cells over an entire AMR hierarchy. The template parameter must inherit from IrregStencil. The stencil can only be applied to EBCellFABs |
CIrregStencil | Class for holding stencils on irregular cells over a single AMR level |
CItoFactory | Factory class for making ItoLayout |
CItoIterator | "Iterator" class for going through solvers in an ItoLayout |
CItoLayout | Class for holding a set of ItoSolvers |
CItoParticle | A particle class for use with ItoSolvers, i.e. drifting Brownian walkers |
CItoSolver | Base class for Ito diffusion particle models |
CItoSpecies | Class that acts as user interface for parsing initial data and mobility/diffusion kernels into ItoSolver |
CKDNode | Node in a particle-merging KD-tree |
CKMCDualState | Declaration of a "dual state" for advancing with the Kinetic Monte Carlo module |
CKMCDualStateReaction | Reaction type for advancing a KMCDualState for Kinetic Monte Carlo |
CKMCSingleState | Declaration of a straightforward state for advancing with the Kinetic Monte Carlo module |
CKMCSingleStateReaction | Reaction type for advancing a KMCSingleState for Kinetic Monte Carlo |
CKMCSolver | Class for running Kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations |
CLeastSquares | Static class containing useful routines for (weighted) least squares polynomial reconstruction |
►CLevelTiles | Class for storing the AMR hierarchy as a collection of tiles |
CTileComparator | For lexicographically comparing tiles |
CLinearStencil | Class which computes a bi/tri-linear stencil in cut-cells. This class makes appropriate modifications if one of the cells don't exist, and even if there are multivalued cells present |
CLoadBalancing | Static class which contains various load balancing routines |
CLoads | Class for holding computational loads |
CLookupTable1D | Class for interpolation of f = f(x) data in one independent variable x |
CMcPhoto | Radiative tranfer equation solver using Monte-Carlo simulation |
CMechanicalShaft | Mechanical shaft class. Consists of a single ring electrode and an infinitely long> shaft with various shapes |
CMeshODESolver | Class for solving dy/dt = f on an AMR hierarchy |
CMFBaseIVFAB | Multiphase BaseIVFAB<Real> |
CMFBaseIVFABFactory | Factory class for creating MFBaseIVFABs |
CMFCoarAve | Class for coarsening data in a multifluid context |
CMFHelmholtzDirichletDomainBCFactory | Factory class for passing Dirichlet domain boundary conditions into MFHelmholtzOp |
CMFHelmholtzDirichletEBBC | Class for making Dirichlet boundary conditions on the EB in a multifluid context |
CMFHelmholtzDirichletEBBCFactory | Class for making Dirichlet boundary conditions on the EB in a multifluid context |
CMFHelmholtzDomainBCFactory | Base class for creating domain boundary condition objects in MFHelmholtzOp |
CMFHelmholtzEBBC | Class for making boundary conditions on the EB in a multifluid context |
CMFHelmholtzEBBCFactory | Base class for making boundary conditions on the EB in a multifluid context |
CMFHelmholtzElectrostaticDomainBCFactory | Class for passing electrostatic boundary conditions into MFHelmholtzOp |
CMFHelmholtzElectrostaticEBBC | Class for making Electrostatic boundary conditions on the EB in a multifluid context |
CMFHelmholtzElectrostaticEBBCFactory | Class for making electrostatic boundary conditions on EBs in an MFHelmholtzOp context |
CMFHelmholtzJumpBC | Class for computing "jump interface" boundary conditions for multifluid code |
CMFHelmholtzJumpBCFactory | Factory class for making jump boundary condition objects in a multifluid MFHelmholtzOp context |
CMFHelmholtzNeumannDomainBCFactory | Class for passing Neumann boundary domain boundary conditions into MFHelmholtzOp |
CMFHelmholtzNeumannEBBC | Base class for passing Neumann MF boundary conditions into MFHelmholtzOp |
CMFHelmholtzNeumannEBBCFactory | Class for making Neumann boundary conditions on the EB in a multifluid context |
CMFHelmholtzOp | Operator for solving multifluid Helmholtz on a grid level |
CMFHelmholtzOpFactory | Factory class for making MFHelmholtzOp |
CMFHelmholtzRobinDomainBCFactory | Base class for making Robin domain boundary conditions with MFHelmholtzOp |
CMFHelmholtzRobinEBBC | Base class for passing Robin MF boundary conditions into MFHelmholtzOp |
CMFHelmholtzRobinEBBCFactory | Class for making Robin boundary conditions on the EB in a multifluid context |
CMFHelmholtzSaturationChargeJumpBC | Class for computing matching the saturation charge boundary condition in an MFHelmholtzOp context |
CMFHelmholtzSaturationChargeJumpBCFactory | Factory class for making saturation charge jump boundary condition objects in multifluid Helmholtz context |
CMFInterfaceFAB | Class for holding BaseIVFAB<T> on the interface between two phases |
CMFLevelGrid | Wrapper class for holding multifluid EBLevelGrids |
CMFMultigridInterpolator | Wrapper class for holding multifluid EBMultigridInterpolators |
CMFReflux | Class which wraps EBRefluxs in multiphase |
CMultifluidAlias | Class with static public interface for aliasing multifluid data into single-phase data |
CMultiFluidIndexSpace | Two-fluid index space |
CMultiIndex | SpaceDim multi-index type for use with higher order Taylor series |
CMushroomIF | "Mushroom" implicit function. Consists of a cylinder with a circular plate on top |
CNeedleIF | Cylinder with one pointed end and one circular end |
CNewIntersectionIF | New intersection IF which does not mess up the return value function when there are no implicit functions |
CNoisePlane | This is a class that a rough sphere (either electrode or dielectric) |
CNonCommParticle | A generic non-communicated particle class |
CNonConservativeDivergenceStencil | Stencil class for computing non-conservative divergences using neighborhood algorithms |
CParticleContainer | Templated class for holding particles on an AMR hierarchy with particle remapping |
CParticleOps | A shallow static class for doing various kinds of particle-related operations |
CPerlinPlaneSdf | Infinite plane with surface noise (Perlin noise) |
CPerlinRodSdf | A rod geometry, but with noise on one of the end caps |
CPerlinSdf | Class that implements the improved Perlin noise function |
CPerlinSlabSdf | Implicit function class describing a slab (box) with surface noise on the top |
CPerlinSphereSdf | Noisy sphere geometry (with Perlin noise) |
CPhaseRealm | Class that holds important things for doing AMR over a specific phase and processor distribution |
CPhoton | Particle class for usage with Monte Carlo radiative transfer |
CPointParticle | A particle class that only has a position and a weight |
CPolygonRodIF | Implicit function class describing a rod with a polygonal cross scetion |
CProfileCylinderIF | Implicit function which takes the form of a cylinder with a surface profiles (grooves) |
CProfilePlaneIF | Implicit function which represents an infinite half-plane with "holes" |
CRandom | Class for encapsulating random number generation. This class is MPI and OpenMP safe |
►CRandomInterface | Class that represents two random interface smooshed together |
CClampedNoisePlane | Clamped noisy plane signed distance function |
CRealBox | Rectangular box in real space |
CRealm | Class for holding multifluid Realms, which are the Realms that we actually use |
CRegularGeometry | This class implements an empty geometry |
CRodDielectric | Class that defines an electrode rod and a dielectric (some shapes supported) |
CRodIF | Cylinder with rounded caps at its ends |
CRodNeedleDisk | A class that defines a rod electrode with a needle out of the tip, and a plane (electrode) a set distance from the needle tip |
CRodPlaneProfile | Geometry class which defines an electrode blade and a dielectric slab with various surface profiles |
CRoughRod | Class that describes a rod electrode with surface roughness |
CRoughSphere | This is a class that a rough sphere (either electrode or dielectric) |
CRoundedBoxIF | A box with rounded corners and edges |
CRoundedCylinderIF | Cylinder object with rounded edges (no endcaps) |
CRtFactory | Factory class for RtLayout |
CRtIterator | Iterator class for RtLayout |
CRtLayout | Class for holding a set of RtSolvers. T must derive from RtSolver |
CRtSolver | Abstract RTE solver class for doing various kinds of radiative transfer equations. This class is a pure class and it is basically just an interface |
CRtSpecies | Declaration of a class that defines an interface to radiative transfer solvers, i.e. RtSolver |
CScanShop | Derived version of GeometryShop that load balances based on the cut cells themselves |
CSignedDistanceBVH | Signed distance function for a DCEL mesh |
CSignedDistanceDCEL | Signed distance function from a DCEL mesh |
CSimpleItoParticle | A particle class for reducing HDF5 I/O file sizes when using ItoSolver |
CSphereArray | A Cartesian array of spheres |
CSphereSdf | Signed distance function for sphere |
CSurfaceODESolver | Surface ODE solver |
CTesselation | A geometry consisting of a single polygon grid |
CTiledMeshRefine | Class for generation AMR boxes using a tiling algorithm |
CTileI | Class for representing a tile (used in, e.g., TiledMeshRefine) |
CTimer | Class which is used for run-time monitoring of events |
CTimeStepper | Base class for advancing equations |
CTorusSdf | Signed distance function for a torus (oriented along z) |
CTracerParticle | A tracer particle class. This is templated for holding extra storage (useful for kernels) |
CTracerParticleSolver | Base class for a tracer particle solver. This solver can advance particles in a pre-defined velocity field |
CVessel | High-voltage vessel geometry |
CVofUtils | Static class which contains some routines for fetching VoFs using various algorithms. Very useful in combination with least squares |
CWedgeIF | Implicit function for a wedge |
CWireWire | This is a class that defines a wire-wire geometry |