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EBHelmholtzOpFactory Class Reference

Factory class for making variable-coefficient Helmholtz operators. More...

#include <CD_EBHelmholtzOpFactory.H>

Inheritance diagram for EBHelmholtzOpFactory:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for EBHelmholtzOpFactory:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

using Smoother = EBHelmholtzOp::Smoother
using AmrLevelGrids = Vector< RefCountedPtr< EBLevelGrid > >
using AmrInterpolators = Vector< RefCountedPtr< EBMultigridInterpolator > >
using AmrFluxRegisters = Vector< RefCountedPtr< EBReflux > >
using AmrCoarseners = Vector< RefCountedPtr< EBCoarAve > >
using AmrCellData = Vector< RefCountedPtr< LevelData< EBCellFAB > >>
using AmrFluxData = Vector< RefCountedPtr< LevelData< EBFluxFAB > >>
using AmrIrreData = Vector< RefCountedPtr< LevelData< BaseIVFAB< Real > >> >
using AmrResolutions = Vector< Real >
using AmrRefRatios = Vector< int >
using DomainBCFactory = RefCountedPtr< EBHelmholtzDomainBCFactory >
using EBBCFactory = RefCountedPtr< EBHelmholtzEBBCFactory >

Public Member Functions

 EBHelmholtzOpFactory ()=delete
 Disallowed constructor. Use the full constructor.
 EBHelmholtzOpFactory (const EBHelmholtzOpFactory &a_otherFactory)=delete
 Disallowed constructor. Use the full constructor.
 EBHelmholtzOpFactory (const EBHelmholtzOpFactory &&a_otherFactory)=delete
 Disallowed move constructor. Use the full constructor.
 EBHelmholtzOpFactory (const Location::Cell a_dataLocation, const Real &a_alpha, const Real &a_beta, const RealVect &a_probLo, const AmrLevelGrids &a_amrLevelGrids, const AmrInterpolators &a_amrInterpolators, const AmrFluxRegisters &a_amrFluxRegisters, const AmrCoarseners &a_amrCoarseners, const AmrRefRatios &a_amrRefRatios, const AmrResolutions &a_amrResolutions, const AmrCellData &a_amrAcoef, const AmrFluxData &a_amrBcoef, const AmrIrreData &a_amrBcoefIrreg, const DomainBCFactory &a_domainBcFactory, const EBBCFactory &a_ebbcFactory, const IntVect &a_ghostPhi, const IntVect &a_ghostRHS, const Smoother &a_relaxationMethod, const ProblemDomain &a_bottomDomain, const int &a_mgBlockingFactor, const AmrLevelGrids &a_deeperLevelGrids=AmrLevelGrids())
 Full constructor. More...
 ~EBHelmholtzOpFactory ()
 Destructor. Does nothing.
void operator= (const EBHelmholtzOpFactory &a_opin)=delete
 Disallowed assignment operator.
void operator= (const EBHelmholtzOpFactory &&a_opin)=delete
 Disallowed move assignment.
void coarsenCoefficientsMG ()
 Go through all MG levels and coarsen the coefficients from the finer levels.
EBHelmholtzOpMGnewOp (const ProblemDomain &a_fineDomain, int a_depth, bool a_homogeneousOnly=true) override final
 Create multigrid operator. More...
EBHelmholtzOpAMRnewOp (const ProblemDomain &a_domain) override final
 Create AMR operator for specified domain. More...
int refToFiner (const ProblemDomain &a_indexspace) const override final
 Get refinement ratio to next finest level. More...

Protected Member Functions

void defineMultigridLevels ()
 Function which defines the multigrid levels for this operator factory.
bool isCoarser (const ProblemDomain &a_domainOne, const ProblemDomain &a_domainTwo) const
 Check if a domain is coarser than the other. More...
bool isFiner (const ProblemDomain &a_domainOne, const ProblemDomain &a_domainTwo) const
 Check if a domain is finer than the other. More...
bool getCoarserLayout (EBLevelGrid &a_coarseGrid, const EBLevelGrid &a_fineGrid, const int a_refRat, const int a_blockingFactor) const
 Construct coarsening of a grid level. More...
void coarsenCoefficients (LevelData< EBCellFAB > &a_coarAcoef, LevelData< EBFluxFAB > &a_coarBcoef, LevelData< BaseIVFAB< Real >> &a_coarBcoefIrreg, const LevelData< EBCellFAB > &a_fineAcoef, const LevelData< EBFluxFAB > &a_fineBcoef, const LevelData< BaseIVFAB< Real >> &a_fineBcoefIrreg, const EBLevelGrid &a_eblgCoar, const EBLevelGrid &a_eblgFine, const int a_refRat)
 Coarsen coefficients (conservatively) More...
int findAmrLevel (const ProblemDomain &a_domain) const
 Find level corresponding to amr level. More...

Protected Attributes

Location::Cell m_dataLocation
 Data location.
Smoother m_smoother
int m_numAmrLevels
 Number of AMR levels.
IntVect m_ghostPhi
 Number of ghost cells that are used. Need because of Chombo prolongation objects.
IntVect m_ghostRhs
 Number of ghost cells that are used. Need because of Chombo prolongation objects.
Real m_alpha
 Operator alpha.
Real m_beta
 Operator beta.
RealVect m_probLo
 Lower-left corner of computational domain.
AmrLevelGrids m_amrLevelGrids
 AMR grids.
AmrInterpolators m_amrInterpolators
 Ghost cell interpolations.
AmrFluxRegisters m_amrFluxRegisters
 Flux registers.
AmrCoarseners m_amrCoarseners
 Data coarseners.
AmrRefRatios m_amrRefRatios
 Refinement ratios.
AmrResolutions m_amrResolutions
 Resolutions one each level.
AmrCellData m_amrAcoef
 Helmholtz A-coefficient.
AmrFluxData m_amrBcoef
 Helmholtz B-coefficient.
AmrIrreData m_amrBcoefIrreg
 Helmholtz B-coefficient (on EB faces.
DomainBCFactory m_domainBcFactory
 Domain BC factory.
EBBCFactory m_ebBcFactory
 EB BC factory.
ProblemDomain m_bottomDomain
 Bottom domain, i.e. the coarsest domain which will be used in multigrid.
int m_mgBlockingFactor
 Blocking factor for when we create intermediate and deep multigrid levels.
AmrLevelGrids m_deeperLevelGrids
 This is for using pre-defined grids for the deeper multigrid levels, i.e. for the levels that are coarsenings of m_amrLevelGrids[0].
std::vector< bool > m_hasMgLevels
 For checking if an AMR level has multigrid levels.
Vector< AmrLevelGrids > m_mgLevelGrids
 Deeper grids. Always weird to write this but e.g. m_mgLevelGrids[0] corresponds to the the multigrid levels below amr level 0.
Vector< AmrCellData > m_mgAcoef
 A-coefficient on deeper grids. Always weird to write this but e.g. m_mgLevelGrids[0] corresponds to the the multigrid levels below amr level 0.
Vector< AmrFluxData > m_mgBcoef
 B-coefficient on deeper grids. Always weird to write this but e.g. m_mgLevelGrids[0] corresponds to the the multigrid levels below amr level 0.
Vector< AmrIrreData > m_mgBcoefIrreg
 B-coefficient on deeper grids. Always weird to write this but e.g. m_mgLevelGrids[0] corresponds to the the multigrid levels below amr level 0.

Static Protected Attributes

static constexpr int m_comp = 0
 Component number that is solved for.
static constexpr int m_nComp = 1
 Number of components that we solve for.

Detailed Description

Factory class for making variable-coefficient Helmholtz operators.

This factory is designed for making EBHelmholtzOps which have time-independent coefficients. If you need new coefficients you better set up multigrid again.
This factory is designed without time-dependence in BCs. Time-dependent BCs are still doable by letting the boundary condition classes carry a reference to an externally updated time.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ EBHelmholtzOpFactory()

EBHelmholtzOpFactory::EBHelmholtzOpFactory ( const Location::Cell  a_dataLocation,
const Real &  a_alpha,
const Real &  a_beta,
const RealVect &  a_probLo,
const AmrLevelGrids &  a_amrLevelGrids,
const AmrInterpolators &  a_amrInterpolators,
const AmrFluxRegisters &  a_amrFluxRegisters,
const AmrCoarseners &  a_amrCoarseners,
const AmrRefRatios &  a_amrRefRatios,
const AmrResolutions &  a_amrResolutions,
const AmrCellData &  a_amrAcoef,
const AmrFluxData &  a_amrBcoef,
const AmrIrreData &  a_amrBcoefIrreg,
const DomainBCFactory &  a_domainBcFactory,
const EBBCFactory &  a_ebbcFactory,
const IntVect &  a_ghostPhi,
const IntVect &  a_ghostRHS,
const Smoother a_relaxationMethod,
const ProblemDomain &  a_bottomDomain,
const int &  a_mgBlockingFactor,
const AmrLevelGrids &  a_deeperLevelGrids = AmrLevelGrids() 

Full constructor.

[in]a_dataLocationAssumed data centering
[in]a_alphaalpha-coefficient in Helmholtz operator.
[in]a_betabeta-coefficient in Helmholtz operator.
[in]a_probLoLower-left corner of domain
[in]a_amrInterpolatorsInterpolator objects between AMR levels.
[in]a_amrCoarsenersConservative coarseners between AMR levels.
[in]a_amrFluxRegistersFlux registers between AMR levels.
[in]a_amrResolutionsGrid resolutions for AMR levels.
[in]a_amrAcoefA-coefficient in Helmholtz operator.
[in]a_amrBcoefB-coefficient in Helmholtz operator.
[in]a_amrBcoefIrregB-coefficient in Helmholtz operator. This one is defined on EB faces.
[in]a_domainBCFactoryFactory class for making domain BC objects.
[in]a_ebbcFactoryFactory class for making BC objects for EB boundary conditions.
[in]a_ghostPhiNumber of ghost cells in solution vector.
[in]a_ghostRhsNumber of ghost cells in right-hand side.
[in]a_relaxationMethodRelaxation method.
[in]a_bottomDomainCoarsest domain on which we run multigrid. Must be a coarsening of the AMR problem domains.
[in]a_deeperLevelGridsOptional object in case you want to pre-define the deeper multigrid levels.
a_deeperLevelGrids exists because the default behavior in this factory is to use direct coarsening for deeper AMR levels. However, this can prevent reaching "deep enough" into the multigrid hierarchy if you use small boxes (e.g. 16^3). So, a_deeperLevelGrids provide an option for using aggregation. The first entry a_deeperLevelGrids[0] should be a a factor 2 coarsening of the coarsest AMR level.
This operator is for time-independent a- and b-coefficients.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AMRnewOp()

EBHelmholtzOp * EBHelmholtzOpFactory::AMRnewOp ( const ProblemDomain &  a_domain)

Create AMR operator for specified domain.


◆ coarsenCoefficients()

void EBHelmholtzOpFactory::coarsenCoefficients ( LevelData< EBCellFAB > &  a_coarAcoef,
LevelData< EBFluxFAB > &  a_coarBcoef,
LevelData< BaseIVFAB< Real >> &  a_coarBcoefIrreg,
const LevelData< EBCellFAB > &  a_fineAcoef,
const LevelData< EBFluxFAB > &  a_fineBcoef,
const LevelData< BaseIVFAB< Real >> &  a_fineBcoefIrreg,
const EBLevelGrid &  a_eblgCoar,
const EBLevelGrid &  a_eblgFine,
const int  a_refRat 

Coarsen coefficients (conservatively)

[out]a_coarAcoefCoarse A-coefficient
[out]a_coarBcoefCoarse B-coefficient
[out]a_coarBcoefIrregCoarse B-coefficient on EB faces
[in]a_fineAcoefFine A-coefficient
[in]a_fineBcoefFine B-coefficient
[in]a_fineBcoefIrregFine B-coefficient on EB faces
[in]a_eblgCoarCoarse grids
[in]a_eblgFineFine grids
[in]a_refRatCoarsening factor

◆ findAmrLevel()

int EBHelmholtzOpFactory::findAmrLevel ( const ProblemDomain &  a_domain) const

Find level corresponding to amr level.

[in]a_domainProblem domain.
Depth in m_amrLevelGrids corresponding to a_domain.
Run-time error if no level was found.

◆ getCoarserLayout()

bool EBHelmholtzOpFactory::getCoarserLayout ( EBLevelGrid &  a_coarseGrid,
const EBLevelGrid &  a_fineGrid,
const int  a_refRat,
const int  a_blockingFactor 
) const

Construct coarsening of a grid level.

[out]a_coarseGridThe coarse grid layout. Must be a pointer to an undefined EBLevelGrid on input
[in]a_fineGridThe coarse grid layout. Must be a pointer to an undefined EBLevelGrid on input
[in]a_refRatRefinement ratio
[in]a_blockingFactorBlocking factor to use for grid aggregation
This will return a multigrid level (i.e. one that is completely overlapping) the fine level. If we can, we coarsen directly.

◆ isCoarser()

bool EBHelmholtzOpFactory::isCoarser ( const ProblemDomain &  a_domainOne,
const ProblemDomain &  a_domainTwo 
) const

Check if a domain is coarser than the other.

[in]a_domainOneThe first domain
[in]a_domainTwoThe second domain
Returns true of a_domainOne has fewer grid points than a_domainTwo

◆ isFiner()

bool EBHelmholtzOpFactory::isFiner ( const ProblemDomain &  a_domainOne,
const ProblemDomain &  a_domainTwo 
) const

Check if a domain is finer than the other.

[in]a_domainOneThe first domain
[in]a_domainTwoThe second domain
Returns true of a_domainOne has more grid points than a_domainTwo

◆ MGnewOp()

EBHelmholtzOp * EBHelmholtzOpFactory::MGnewOp ( const ProblemDomain &  a_fineDomain,
int  a_depth,
bool  a_homogeneousOnly = true 

Create multigrid operator.

[in]a_depthDepth. This specifies that the operator will be created at depth coarsen(a_fineDomain, 2^a_depth);
[in]a_homogeneousOnlyIf true, only homogeneous boundary conditions will be needed.

◆ refToFiner()

int EBHelmholtzOpFactory::refToFiner ( const ProblemDomain &  a_indexspace) const

Get refinement ratio to next finest level.

Returns -1 when there are no finer levels.

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