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CdrMultigrid Class Referenceabstract

Extension class of CdrSolver that uses multigrid for diffusion part. Can also solve for stochastic diffusion. More...

#include <CD_CdrMultigrid.H>

Inheritance diagram for CdrMultigrid:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for CdrMultigrid:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 CdrMultigrid ()
virtual ~CdrMultigrid ()
virtual void parseOptions () override=0
 Parse class options.
virtual void parseRuntimeOptions () override=0
 Parse class options.
virtual void registerOperators () override
 Register operator.
virtual void allocate () override
 Allocate internal storage.
virtual void preRegrid (const int a_lbase, const int a_oldFinestLevel) override
 Perform pre-regrid operations. More...
virtual void computeDivJ (EBAMRCellData &a_divJ, EBAMRCellData &a_phi, const Real a_extrapDt, const bool a_conservativeOnly, const bool a_ebFlux, const bool a_domainFlux) override final
 Compute div(J) explicitly, where J = nV - D*grad(n) More...
virtual void computeDivF (EBAMRCellData &a_divF, EBAMRCellData &a_phi, const Real a_extrapDt, const bool a_conservativeOnly, const bool a_ebFlux, const bool a_domainFlux) override final
 Compute div(v*phi) explicitly. More...
virtual void computeDivD (EBAMRCellData &a_divD, EBAMRCellData &a_phi, const bool a_conservativeOnly, const bool a_ebFlux, const bool a_domainFlux) override final
 Compute div(D*grad(phi)) explicitly. More...
virtual void advanceEuler (EBAMRCellData &a_newPhi, const EBAMRCellData &a_oldPhi, const EBAMRCellData &a_source, const Real a_dt) override final
 Implicit diffusion Euler advance with source term. More...
virtual void advanceCrankNicholson (EBAMRCellData &a_newPhi, const EBAMRCellData &a_oldPhi, const EBAMRCellData &a_source, const Real a_dt) override final
 Implicit diffusion Crank-Nicholson advance with source term. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CdrSolver
 CdrSolver ()
 Default constructor. More...
 CdrSolver (const CdrSolver &a_other)=delete
 Disallowed copy constructor. More...
 CdrSolver (const CdrSolver &&a_other)=delete
 Disallowed move constructor. More...
CdrSolveroperator= (const CdrSolver &a_other)=delete
 Disallowed assignment operator. More...
CdrSolveroperator= (const CdrSolver &&a_other)=delete
 Disallowed move assignement operator. More...
virtual ~CdrSolver ()
void setDefaultDomainBC ()
 This sets default boundary conditions (wall type). More...
void setDomainBcType (const CdrDomainBC::DomainSide a_domainSide, const CdrDomainBC::BcType a_bcType)
 Set domain bc type on domain side. More...
void setDomainBcFunction (const CdrDomainBC::DomainSide a_domainSide, const CdrDomainBC::FluxFunction a_fluxFunction)
 Set domain bc function on particular domain side. More...
virtual void advanceEuler (EBAMRCellData &a_newPhi, const EBAMRCellData &a_oldPhi, const Real a_dt)
 Implicit diffusion Euler advance without source term. More...
virtual void advanceCrankNicholson (EBAMRCellData &a_newPhi, const EBAMRCellData &a_oldPhi, const Real a_dt)
 Implicit diffusion Crank-Nicholson advance without source term. More...
virtual void computeDivG (EBAMRCellData &a_divG, EBAMRFluxData &a_G, const EBAMRIVData &a_ebFlux, const bool a_conservativeOnly)
 Compute div(G) where G is a general face-centered flux on face centers and EB centers. This can involve mass redistribution. More...
virtual void gwnDiffusionSource (EBAMRCellData &a_noiseSource, const EBAMRCellData &a_cellPhi)
 Compute a random gaussian white noise source term. More...
virtual void averageVelocityToFaces ()
 Average velocities to faces. More...
virtual void deallocate ()
 Deallocate internal storage. More...
virtual void setRealm (const std::string a_realm)
 Set the realm for this solver. More...
virtual RefCountedPtr< CdrSpecies > & getSpecies () noexcept
 Get the CDR species.
virtual const RefCountedPtr< CdrSpecies > & getSpecies () const noexcept
 Get the CDR species.
virtual void setSpecies (const RefCountedPtr< CdrSpecies > &a_species)
 Set species. More...
virtual void setComputationalGeometry (const RefCountedPtr< ComputationalGeometry > &a_computationalGeometry)
 Set computational geometry. More...
virtual void setAmr (const RefCountedPtr< AmrMesh > &a_amr)
 Set the amr object. More...
virtual void setPhase (phase::which_phase a_phase)
 Set phase. More...
virtual void setVerbosity (const int a_verbosity)
 Set verbosity. More...
virtual void setTime (const int a_step, const Real a_time, const Real a_dt)
 Set the time for this solver. More...
virtual void setVelocity (const EBAMRCellData &a_velocity)
 Set velocity from data holder. More...
virtual void setVelocity (const RealVect a_velocity)
 Set constant velocity. More...
virtual void setVelocity (const std::function< RealVect(const RealVect a_pos)> &a_velocity)
 Set velocity using a polymorphic function. More...
virtual void setDiffusionCoefficient (const EBAMRFluxData &a_diffusionCoefficient, const EBAMRIVData &a_ebDiffusionCoefficient)
 Data-based version of setting diffusion coefficients (which are stored on faces) More...
virtual void setDiffusionCoefficient (const Real a_diffusionCoefficient)
 Set diffusion coefficient to be constant everywhere (they are stored on faces) More...
virtual void setDiffusionCoefficient (const std::function< Real(const RealVect a_position)> &a_diffusionCoefficient)
 Polymorphic way of setting diffusion coefficients every. More...
virtual void setSource (const EBAMRCellData &a_source)
 Data based version of setting source terms. More...
virtual void setSource (const Real a_source)
 Set constant source terms everywhere. More...
virtual void setSource (const std::function< Real(const RealVect a_position)> a_source)
 Polymorphic way of setting source terms. More...
virtual void setEbFlux (const EBAMRIVData &a_ebFlux)
 Data-based version of setting the EB flux. More...
virtual void setEbFlux (const Real a_ebFlux)
 Set the eb flux to a constant. More...
virtual void initialData ()
 Fill m_phi state with initial data from m_species. More...
virtual void writePlotFile ()
 Write plot file. More...
virtual void writePlotData (LevelData< EBCellFAB > &a_output, int &a_icomp, const std::string a_outputRealm, const int a_level) const noexcept
 Write output data to a_output. More...
virtual void regrid (const int a_lmin, const int a_oldFinestLevel, const int a_newFinestLevel)
 Write checkpoint data into HDF5 file. @paramo[out] a_handle HDF5 file. More...
virtual std::string getRealm () const
 Get the realm where this solver is registered. More...
virtual std::string getName () const
 Get solver name. More...
virtual Vector< std::string > getPlotVariableNames () const
 Get output plot names. More...
virtual int getNumberOfPlotVariables () const
 Get number of output fields. More...
virtual Real computeAdvectionDt ()
 Compute the largest possible diffusive time step (for explicit methods) More...
virtual Real computeDiffusionDt ()
 Compute the largest possible diffusive time step (for explicit methods) More...
virtual Real computeAdvectionDiffusionDt ()
 Compute the largest possible diffusive time step (for explicit methods) More...
virtual Real computeSourceDt (const Real a_max, const Real a_tolerance)
 Compute the largest possible source time step (for explicit methods. More...
virtual void weightedUpwind (EBAMRCellData &a_weightedUpwindPhi, const int a_pow)
 Compute an upwind-weighted version of phi. More...
virtual Real computeMass ()
 Compute the "physical mass" in m_phi. More...
virtual Real computeMass (const EBAMRCellData &a_phi, const bool a_kappaScale=true)
 Compute the "physical mass" in the input argument. More...
virtual Real computeCharge ()
 Compute the total charge in m_phi. More...
virtual bool isDiffusive ()
 Return true if the solver is diffusive and false otherwise.
virtual bool isMobile ()
 Return true if the solver is mobile and false otherwise.
virtual EBAMRCellDatagetPhi ()
 Get the cell-centered phi. More...
virtual EBAMRCellDatagetSource ()
 Get the source term. More...
virtual EBAMRCellDatagetCellCenteredVelocity ()
 Get the cell-centered velocity. More...
virtual EBAMRFluxDatagetFaceCenteredVelocity ()
 Get the face-centered velocities. More...
virtual EBAMRIVDatagetEbCenteredVelocity ()
 Get the eb-centered velocities. More...
virtual EBAMRCellDatagetCellCenteredDiffusionCoefficient ()
 Get the cell-centered diffusion coefficient.
virtual EBAMRFluxDatagetFaceCenteredDiffusionCoefficient ()
 Get the face-centered diffusion coefficient. More...
virtual EBAMRIVDatagetEbCenteredDiffusionCoefficient ()
 Get the EB-centered diffusion coefficient. More...
virtual EBAMRIVDatagetEbFlux ()
 Get the eb flux data holder. More...
virtual EBAMRIFDatagetDomainFlux ()
 Get the domain flux data holder. More...
virtual void extrapolateAdvectiveFluxToEB () noexcept
 Extrapolate advective flux to EB. More...
virtual void extrapolateAdvectiveFluxToEB (EBAMRIVData &a_ebFlux) const noexcept
 Extrapolate advective flux to EB. More...
virtual void redistribute (EBAMRCellData &a_phi, const EBAMRIVData &a_delta) const noexcept
 Add data through redistribution into cell-centered holders. More...

Protected Types

enum class  BottomSolverType { Simple , BiCGStab , GMRES }
 Enum class for supported bottom solvers in multigrid.
enum class  MultigridType { VCycle , WCycle }
 Enum for multigrid cycle types.
- Protected Types inherited from CdrSolver
enum class  Redistribution { VolumeWeighted , None }
 Redistribution method.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void advectToFaces (EBAMRFluxData &a_facePhi, const EBAMRCellData &a_phi, const Real a_extrapDt) override=0
 Advection-only extrapolation to faces.
virtual void setupDiffusionSolver ()
 Set up diffusion solver.
virtual void setupHelmholtzFactory ()
 Setup the operator factory.
virtual void setupMultigrid ()
 Setup multigrid.
virtual void setMultigridSolverCoefficients ()
 Set the multigrid solver coefficients. More...
virtual void resetAlphaAndBeta (const Real a_alpha, const Real a_beta)
 Reset alpha and beta-coefficients in the multigrid solvers. More...
virtual void computeKappaLphi (EBAMRCellData &a_kappaLphi, const EBAMRCellData &a_phi)
 Compute kappa * L(phi) using the multigrid operator. This is different from computeDivD. More...
virtual void parseMultigridSettings ()
 Parse solver settings for geometric multigrid.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CdrSolver
virtual void averageVelocityToFaces (EBAMRFluxData &a_faceVelocity, const EBAMRCellData &a_cellVelocity)
 Average cell-centered velocities to face centers. More...
virtual void computeAdvectionFlux (EBAMRFluxData &a_flux, const EBAMRFluxData &a_facePhi, const EBAMRFluxData &a_faceVelocity, const bool a_addDomainFlux=true)
 Set up face-centered advection flux. More...
virtual void computeAdvectionFlux (LevelData< EBFluxFAB > &a_flux, const LevelData< EBFluxFAB > &a_facePhi, const LevelData< EBFluxFAB > &a_faceVelocity, const int a_lvl)
 Set up face-centered advection flux on a grid level. More...
virtual void computeDiffusionFlux (EBAMRFluxData &a_flux, const EBAMRCellData &a_phi, const bool a_addDomainFlux)
 Compute the face-centered diffusion flux. More...
virtual void computeDiffusionFlux (LevelData< EBFluxFAB > &a_flux, const LevelData< EBCellFAB > &a_phi, const int a_lvl)
 Compute the face-centered diffusion flux. More...
virtual void computeAdvectionDiffusionFlux (EBAMRFluxData &a_flux, const EBAMRCellData &a_cellStates, const EBAMRFluxData &a_faceStates, const EBAMRFluxData &a_faceVelocities, const EBAMRFluxData &a_faceDiffCo, const bool a_addDomainFlux)
 Compute the full advection-diffusion flux. This assumes that the solver is mobile and diffusive. More...
virtual void resetDomainFlux (EBAMRFluxData &a_flux)
 Set flux to zero on domain boundaries. More...
virtual void fillDomainFlux (EBAMRFluxData &a_flux)
 Set domain in data holder. This sets the flux on the boundary to either zero or to m_domainFlux. More...
virtual void fillDomainFlux (LevelData< EBFluxFAB > &a_flux, const int a_level)
 Set domain in data holder. This sets the flux on the boundary to either zero or to m_domainFlux. More...
virtual void conservativeDivergenceNoKappaDivision (EBAMRCellData &a_conservativeDivergence, EBAMRFluxData &a_flux, const EBAMRIVData &a_ebFlux)
 Compute conservative divergence from fluxes. More...
virtual void nonConservativeDivergence (EBAMRIVData &a_nonConservativeDivergence, const EBAMRCellData &a_divG)
 Compute the non-conservative divergence. More...
virtual void hybridDivergence (EBAMRCellData &a_hybridDivergence, EBAMRIVData &a_massDifference, const EBAMRIVData &a_nonConservativeDivergence)
 Use the non-conservative divergence to make the conservative divergence hold the hybrid divergence. More...
virtual void hybridDivergence (LevelData< EBCellFAB > &a_hybridDivergence, LevelData< BaseIVFAB< Real >> &a_massDifference, const LevelData< BaseIVFAB< Real >> &a_nonConservativeDivergence, const int a_lvl)
 Make the hybrid divergence. On the way in, a_hybridDivergence must hold the conservative divergence. More...
virtual void conservativeDivergenceRegular (LevelData< EBCellFAB > &a_divJ, const LevelData< EBFluxFAB > &a_flux, const int a_lvl)
 Compute the conservative divergence over regular cells. More...
virtual void interpolateFluxToFaceCentroids (EBAMRFluxData &a_flux)
 Interpolate flux to centroids. More...
virtual void interpolateFluxToFaceCentroids (LevelData< EBFluxFAB > &a_flux, const int a_lvl)
 Interpolate flux to centroids. More...
virtual void computeDivergenceIrregular (LevelData< EBCellFAB > &a_divG, const LevelData< EBFluxFAB > &a_centroidFluxes, const LevelData< BaseIVFAB< Real >> &a_ebFlux, const int a_lvl)
 Compute conservative divergence on irregular cells (not kappa divided) More...
virtual void initialDataDistribution ()
 Fill initial data from a distribution function. More...
virtual void initialDataParticles ()
 Fill initial data from particles. More...
virtual void defineInterpolationStencils ()
 Define stencils for doing face-centered to face-centroid-centered states. More...
virtual void parseDomainBc ()
 Parses domain BC options.
virtual void parsePlotVariables ()
 Parses plot variables.
virtual void parsePlotMode ()
 Parse plot mode.
virtual void parseDivergenceComputation ()
 Parse the conservation.
virtual void parseRegridSlopes ()
 Parse slope regrid.
virtual std::string makeBcString (const int a_dir, const Side::LoHiSide a_side) const
 Shortcut for making a boundary condition string. More...
virtual void fillGwn (EBAMRFluxData &a_noise, const Real a_sigma)
 Gaussian noise field. More...
virtual void smoothHeavisideFaces (EBAMRFluxData &a_facePhi, const EBAMRCellData &a_cellPhi)
 Use Heaviside smoothing for computing face-centered states. More...
virtual void writeData (LevelData< EBCellFAB > &a_output, int &a_comp, const EBAMRCellData &a_data, const std::string a_outputRealm, const int a_level, const bool a_interpToCentroids, const bool a_interpGhost) const noexcept
 Write data to output. Convenience function. More...

Protected Attributes

EBHelmholtzOp::Smoother m_smoother
 Relaxation type for gmg.
MultigridType m_multigridType
 GMG multigrid type.
RefCountedPtr< AMRMultiGrid< LevelData< EBCellFAB > > > m_multigridSolver
 Geometric multigrid solver.
RefCountedPtr< EBHelmholtzOpFactorym_helmholtzOpFactory
 Operator factory.
BiCGStabSolver< LevelData< EBCellFAB > > m_bicgstab
 Conjugate gradient solver bottom MG level.
EBSimpleSolver m_simpleSolver
 Simple solver.
GMRESSolver< LevelData< EBCellFAB > > m_gmres
 GMRES solver.
bool m_hasMultigridSolver
 Is multigrid solver defined or not?
EBAMRCellData m_helmAcoef
 Storage for Helmholtz a-coefficient. Always 1.
EBAMRCellData m_residual
 Storage for multigrid residual.
int m_multigridVerbosity
 Verbosity for geometric multigrid.
int m_multigridPreSmooth
 Number of smoothings before averaging.
int m_multigridPostSmooth
 Number of smoothings before averaging.
int m_multigridBottomSmooth
 Number of smoothing before bottom solver.
int m_multigridMaxIterations
 Maximum number of iterations.
int m_multigridMinIterations
 Minimum number of iterations.
BottomSolverType m_bottomSolverType
 Bottom solver type.
int m_numSmoothingsForSimpleSolver
 Number of smoothing for bottom solver.
int m_minCellsBottom
 Set bottom drop depth.
Real m_multigridExitTolerance
 Multigrid tolerance.
Real m_multigridExitHang
 Multigrid hand.
- Protected Attributes inherited from CdrSolver
RefCountedPtr< CdrSpeciesm_species
 Species through which e.g. mobility/diffusion and initial conditions is passed.
RefCountedPtr< ComputationalGeometrym_computationalGeometry
 Computational geometry.
RefCountedPtr< AmrMeshm_amr
 AMR; needed for grid stuff.
Vector< RefCountedPtr< LayoutData< BaseIFFAB< FaceStencil > > > > m_interpStencils [SpaceDim]
 Stencils for interpolating face-centered fluxes to face centroids.
phase::which_phase m_phase
std::string m_name
 Solver name.
std::string m_className
 Class name. More...
std::string m_realm
 Realm where this solver is registered.
CdrDomainBC m_domainBC
 Domain BCs.
EBAMRCellData m_phi
 Cell-centered data (i.e. the advected-diffused quantity)
EBAMRCellData m_source
 Source term.
EBAMRCellData m_cellVelocity
 Cell-centered velocities. More...
EBAMRFluxData m_faceStates
 Holder for face centered states. More...
EBAMRFluxData m_faceVelocity
 Face-centered velocities (only normal components) More...
EBAMRIVData m_nonConservativeDivG
 Scratch storage for the non-conservative divergence.
EBAMRIVData m_massDifference
 Scratch storage for the mass difference.
EBAMRIVData m_ebZero
 Scratch storage for the EB flux.
EBAMRCellData m_cachePhi
 Cached state vector for regrid.
EBAMRCellData m_cacheSource
 Cached source term for regrids.
EBAMRIVData m_ebVelocity
 EB-centered velocities.
EBAMRIVData m_ebFlux
 Flux through the embedded boundary.
EBAMRIFData m_domainFlux
 Domain flux.
EBAMRCellData m_cellCenteredDiffusionCoefficient
 Diffusion coefficients on cell centers. More...
EBAMRFluxData m_faceCenteredDiffusionCoefficient
 Diffusion coefficients on face centers. More...
EBAMRIVData m_ebCenteredDiffusionCoefficient
 Diffusion coefficients on EB faces. More...
std::map< CdrDomainBC::DomainSide, CdrDomainBC::FluxFunctionm_domainFluxFunctions
 Domain flux functions. More...
int m_verbosity
 Solver verbosity. More...
int m_timeStep
 Time step.
Real m_time
 Current time.
Real m_dt
 Last time step increment.
Redistribution m_whichRedistribution
 Which type of redistribution to use.
bool m_blendConservation
 Flag for blending the hybrid divergence.
bool m_isDiffusive
 Is the solver diffusive or not.
bool m_isMobile
 Solve for advection/convection or not.
bool m_plotPhi
 If true, m_phi is added to plot files.
bool m_plotVelocity
 Output velocities.
bool m_plotDiffusionCoefficient
 Output diffusion coefficients.
bool m_plotEbFlux
 Output EB fluxes.
bool m_plotSource
 Output source term.
bool m_plotNumbers
 Plot numbers or densities.
bool m_regridSlopes
 Use slopes when regridding.
int m_seed
 RNG seed.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Attributes inherited from CdrSolver
static constexpr int m_comp = 0
 Component number in data holder.
static constexpr int m_nComp = 1
 Number of components that this solver solves for.

Detailed Description

Extension class of CdrSolver that uses multigrid for diffusion part. Can also solve for stochastic diffusion.

Member Function Documentation

◆ advanceCrankNicholson()

void CdrMultigrid::advanceCrankNicholson ( EBAMRCellData a_newPhi,
const EBAMRCellData a_oldPhi,
const EBAMRCellData a_source,
const Real  a_dt 

Implicit diffusion Crank-Nicholson advance with source term.

This implementation assumes that the incoming previous solution has not been weighted by the volume fraction, and that the incoming source term a_source HAS been weighted by the volume fraction.

[in,out]a_newPhiSolution at time t + dt
[in]a_oldPhiSolution at time t
[in]a_sourceSource term.
[in]a_dtTime step

Implements CdrSolver.

◆ advanceEuler()

void CdrMultigrid::advanceEuler ( EBAMRCellData a_newPhi,
const EBAMRCellData a_oldPhi,
const EBAMRCellData a_source,
const Real  a_dt 

Implicit diffusion Euler advance with source term.

This implementation assumes that the incoming previous solution has not been weighted by the volume fraction, and that the incoming source term a_source HAS been weighted by the volume fraction.

[in,out]a_newPhiSolution at time t + dt
[in]a_oldPhiSolution at time t. Should be unweighted by the volume fraction.
[in]a_sourceSource term. Should be weighted by the volume fraction.
[in]a_dtTime step.

Implements CdrSolver.

◆ computeDivD()

void CdrMultigrid::computeDivD ( EBAMRCellData a_divD,
EBAMRCellData a_phi,
const bool  a_conservativeOnly,
const bool  a_ebFlux,
const bool  a_domainFlux 

Compute div(D*grad(phi)) explicitly.

[out]a_divFDivergence term, including redistribution magic.
[in]a_phiCell-centered state
[in]a_conservativeOnlyIf true, we compute div(D) = 1/dx*sum(fluxes), which does not involve redistribution.
[in]a_domainBcHow to set domain fluxes
[in]a_useEbFluxIf true, the embedded boundary flux will be included in div(D)
a_phi is non-const because ghost cells will be interpolated in this routine. Valid data in a_phi is not touched.

Implements CdrSolver.

◆ computeDivF()

void CdrMultigrid::computeDivF ( EBAMRCellData a_divF,
EBAMRCellData a_phi,
const Real  a_extrapDt,
const bool  a_conservativeOnly,
const bool  a_ebFlux,
const bool  a_domainFlux 

Compute div(v*phi) explicitly.

[out]a_divFDivergence term, i.e. finite volume approximation to Div(v*phi), including redistribution magic.
[in]a_phiCell-centered state
[in]a_extrapDtExtrapolation in time, i.e. shifting of div(F) towards e.g. half time step. Only affects the advective term.
[in]a_conservativeOnlyIf true, we compute div(F) = 1/dx*sum(fluxes), which does not involve redistribution.
[in]a_domainBcHow to set domain fluxes
[in]a_ebFluxIf true, the embedded boundary flux will injected be included in div(F)
a_phi is non-const because ghost cells will be interpolated in this routine. Valid data in a_phi is not touched.

Implements CdrSolver.

◆ computeDivJ()

void CdrMultigrid::computeDivJ ( EBAMRCellData a_divJ,
EBAMRCellData a_phi,
const Real  a_extrapDt,
const bool  a_conservativeOnly,
const bool  a_ebFlux,
const bool  a_domainFlux 

Compute div(J) explicitly, where J = nV - D*grad(n)

[out]a_divJDivergence term, i.e. finite volume approximation to
[in]a_phiCell-centered state
[in]a_conservativeOnlyIf true, we compute div(J) = 1/dx*sum(fluxes), which does not involve redistribution.
[in]a_extrapDtExtrapolation in time, i.e. shifting of div(J) towards e.g. half time step. Only affects the advective term.
[in]a_ebFluxIf true, the embedded boundary flux will injected and included in div(J)
a_phi is non-const because ghost cells will be re-filled

Implements CdrSolver.

◆ computeKappaLphi()

void CdrMultigrid::computeKappaLphi ( EBAMRCellData a_kappaLphi,
const EBAMRCellData a_phi 

Compute kappa * L(phi) using the multigrid operator. This is different from computeDivD.

[in]a_phiCell-centered state
This will reset the alpha and beta coefficients.

◆ preRegrid()

void CdrMultigrid::preRegrid ( const int  a_lbase,
const int  a_oldFinestLevel 

Perform pre-regrid operations.

[in]a_lbaseCoarsest level that changed during regrid.
[in]a_oldFinestLevelFinest grid level before the regrid operation.
This stores m_phi and m_source.

Reimplemented from CdrSolver.

◆ resetAlphaAndBeta()

void CdrMultigrid::resetAlphaAndBeta ( const Real  a_alpha,
const Real  a_beta 

Reset alpha and beta-coefficients in the multigrid solvers.

[in]a_alphaAlpha-coefficient for EBHelmholtzOp
[in]a_betaBeta-coefficient for EBHelmholtzOp

◆ setMultigridSolverCoefficients()

void CdrMultigrid::setMultigridSolverCoefficients ( )

Set the multigrid solver coefficients.

Useful when coefficients change underneath us, but we don't want to set up multigrid again.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: