Physics::CdrPlasma Namespace Reference

Namespace for encapsulating CDR plasma code. More...


class  CdrPlasmaFieldTagger
 Lightweight tagging class which flags cells for refinement/coarsening using the electric field only. More...
class  CdrPlasmaPhysics
 Abstract base class for specifying plasma kinetics. This is the base class used by CdrPlasmaStepper when advancing the minimal plasma model. More...
class  CdrPlasmaStepper
 Abstract class for evolving the minimal plasma model in time. More...
class  CdrPlasmaTagger
 Abstract Class which implements CellTagger for the CDR plasma physics module. More...
class  CdrPlasmaStreamerTagger
 Class which implements CdrPlasmaFieldTagger and refines cells based on the criterion alpha*dx > threshold or on the curvature of the electric field. More...
class  CdrPlasmaJSON
 Class which implements CdrPlasmaPhysics and parses plasma chemistry from a JSON input file. More...
class  CdrPlasmaPhotoReactionJSON
 Class for encapsulating reactive process of type A + B + Y -> X3 + for CdrPlasmaPhysics. This class just stores a list of product target species. More...
class  CdrPlasmaReactionJSON
 Class for encapsulating reactive process of type X1 + X2 -> X3 + Y for CdrPlasmaPhysics. This class just stores a list of product and target species. More...
class  CdrPlasmaSurfaceReactionJSON
 Class for encapsulating reactive process of type A + B + Y -> X3 + for CdrPlasmaPhysics. This class just stores a list of product target species. More...
class  CdrSpeciesJSON
 Encapsulation of species settings and initial conditions for CDR species in CdrPlasma. More...
class  NeutralSpeciesJSON
 Encapsulation of species settings and initial conditiosn for use with CdrPlasma. This is for tracked species. More...
class  RteSpeciesJSON
 Encapsulation of radiative transfer species for usage with CdrPlasmaJSON. More...
class  CdrPlasmaGodunovStepper
 Class for evolving plasma equations using a split step Godunov method. More...
class  CdrPlasmaImExSdcStepper
 Class for evolving plasma equations using implicit-explicit spectral deferred corrections. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for encapsulating CDR plasma code.