Îto diffusion
The Îto diffusion model advances computational particles as drifting Brownian walkers
where \(\mathbf{X}\) is the spatial position of a particle \(\mathbf{V}\) is the drift velocity and \(D\) is the diffusion coefficient in the continuum limit. The vector term \(\mathbf{W}\) is a Gaussian random field with a mean value of 0 and standard deviation of 1.
The code for Îto diffusion is given in /Source/ItoSolver
The class ItoSolver
encapsulatse the motion of drift-diffusion particles.
This class can advance a set of particles (see ItoParticle) with the following functionality:
Move particles using a microscopic drift-diffusion model.
Compute particle intersection with embedded boundaries and domain edges.
Deposit particles and other particle types on the mesh.
Interpolate velocities and diffusion coefficients to the particle positons.
Manage superparticle splitting and merging.
also defines an enum WhichContainer
for classification of ParticleContainer
data holders for holding particles that live on:
The embedded boundary (
).On the domain edges/faces (
).Representing ‘’source particles’’ (
).Particles that live inside the EB (
The particles are available from the solver through the function
ItoSolver::getParticles(const WhichContainer a_whichParticles);
For the ItoSolver
the particle velocity is computed as
where \(\mu\) is a particle mobility and \(\mathbf{v}\) is a velocity field defined on the mesh. Note that both \(\mu\) and \(\mathbf{v}\) are defined on the mesh. The solver can, alternatively, also compute the velocity as
i.e. through interpolation of \(\mu\mathbf{v}\) to the particle position.
Regardless of which method is chosen (see Velocity interpolation), both \(\mu\) and \(\mathbf{v}\) exist on the mesh (stored as EBAMRCellData
The ItoParticle
is used as the underlying particle type for running the Ito drift-diffusion solvers.
It derives from GenericParticle as follows:
class ItoParticle : public GenericParticle<4,2>
and contains the following relevant member functions
// Storing for particle weight
// Storage for particle diffusion coefficient
// Storage for particle mobility
// Storage for particle energy
// Storage for particle velocity
// Storage for previous particle position
All of these functions have corresponding functions with const
is a class for parsing information into ItoSolver
The constructor for the ItoSpecies
class is
ItoSpecies(const std::string a_name, const int a_chargeNumber, const bool a_mobile, const bool a_diffusive);
and this will set the name of the class, the charge, and whether or not the transport kernels use drift and/or diffusion.
API is available at https://chombo-discharge.github.io/chombo-discharge/doxygen/html/classItoSpecies.html.
Initial data for the ItoSolver
is provided through ItoSpecies
by providing it with a list of initial particles.
have members that provide/modify the initial particles:
class ItoSpecies {
List<ItoParticle> m_initialParticles;
When ItoSolver
initializes the data in the solver, it transfers the particles from the species and into the solver.
See ParticleOps for examples on how to draw initial particles and how to partition them when using MPI.
Transport kernel
The transport kernels for the ItoSolver
will simply consist of particle updates of the following type:
Real a_dt;
List<ItoParticle> particles;
for (ListIterator<ItoParticle>& lit(particles); lit.ok(); ++lit) {
ItoParticle& p = lit();
p.oldPosition() = p.position();
p.position() += p.velocity() * a_dt + sqrt(2.0*p.diffusion()*a_dt) * this->randomGaussian();
The function randomGaussian
implements a diffusion hopping and returns a 2D/3D dimensional vector with values drawn from a normal distribution with standard width of one and mean value of zero.
The implementation uses the random number generators in Random numbers.
The user can choose to truncate the normal distribution, see Input options.
Remapping particles
To remap, call the ItoSolver
remapping functions as
This will remap the particles to the correct grid patches.
To remap the other ParticleContainer
data holders (holding e.g. particles that intersected the EB), there’s an alternative function
ItoSolver::remap(const WhichContainer a_container);
where a_container
is one of the particle containers.
To deposit the particle weights onto the grid one can use
The particles are deposited into the data holder m_phi
The data can then be fetched with
To deposit a different particle data holder into m_phi
one can use
ItoSolver::depositParticles(const WhichContainer a_container);
This can be used, for example, to deposit the EB particles on the mesh.
More general methods also exist, see the ItoSolver
C++ API https://chombo-discharge.github.io/chombo-discharge/doxygen/html/classItoSolver.html.
One can also deposit the following quantities on the mesh:
Conductivity, which deposits \(\mu W\).
Diffusivity, which deposits \(D W\).
Energy, which deposits \(\epsilon W\).
Here, \(W\) is the particle weight, \(\mu\) is the particle mobility, \(D\) is the particle diffusion coefficient and \(\epsilon\) is the particle energy. These functions exist as
ItoSolver::depositConductivity(EBAMRCellData& a_phi, ParticleContainer<ItoParticle>& a_particles) const;
ItoSolver::depositDiffusivity(EBAMRCellData& a_phi, ParticleContainer<ItoParticle>& a_particles) const;
ItoSolver::depositEnergyDensity(EBAMRCellData& a_phi, ParticleContainer<ItoParticle>& a_particles) const;
The ItoSolver
deposition method is specified in the input script, see Input options.
Velocity interpolation
Computing the particle velocity is done by first computing the particle mobility and then computing the particle velocity. For interpolating the mobility to the particle position one will call
which will compute \(\mu\left(\mathbf{X}\right)\) using the user-specified deposition/interpolation method for computing the mobility. The solver can switch between two ways of computing the mobility. The first is to compute \(\mu\left(\mathbf{X}\right)\) directly. The other is to compute the mobility as
When computing the particle velocity as \(\mathbf{V} = \mu\left(\mathbf{X}\right)\mathbf{v}\left(\mathbf{X}\right)\), the latter method ensures that \(\mathbf{V} = \left(\mu\mathbf{v}\right)\left(\mathbf{X}\right)\).
The user selects between the two mobility interpolation methods in the input script. See Input options.
After the mobility has been appropriately set, the velocity can be interpolated from
The above will compute \(v\left(\mathbf{X}\right)\) and set the velocity as \(\mathbf{V} = \mu\left(\mathbf{X}\right)\mathbf{v}\left(\mathbf{X}\right)\).
The ItoSolver
interpolation method is specified in the input script, see Input options.
Particle intersections
It will happen that particles occasionally hit the embedded boundary or leave through the domain sides.
In this case one might want to keep the particles in separate data holders rather than discard them.
supplies the following routine for transferring the particles to the containers that hold the EB and domain particles:
ItoSolver::intersectParticles(const EbIntersection a_ebIntersection, const bool a_deleteParticles);
Here, EbIntersection
is a just an enum for putting logic into how the intersection is computed.
Valid options are EbIntersection::Bisection
and EbIntersection::Raycast
These algorithms are discussed in Wall interaction.
The flag a_deleteParticles
specifies if the original particles should be deleted when populating the other particle containers.
After calling intersectParticles
, the particles that crossed the EB or domain walls are available through the getParticles
routine, see ItoSolver.
Computing time steps
The drift time step routines are implemented such that one restricts the time step such that the fastest particle does not move more than a specified number of grid cells. This routine is implemented as
ItoSolver::computeAdvectiveDt() const;
which returns a CFL-like condition \(\Delta x/\textrm{max}(v_x, v_y, v_z)\) on the the various AMR levels and patches.
The signatures for the diffusion time step are similar to the ones for drift:
ItoSolver::computeDiffusiveDt() const;
and this returns another CFL-like condition \(\Delta x^2 / (2dD)\) for all the particles, where \(d\) is the spatial dimension. Note that there is no fundamental limitation to how far the particles can move, unless the user explicitly makes this restriction in the input options, see Input options.
A combination of the advection and diffusion time step routines also exists as
ItoSolver::computeDt() const;
This routine computes the time step
currently handles superparticles through kD-trees, see Superparticles, re-initialization, or user-based criteria.
The function for splitting and merging the particles is in all cases
ItoSolver::makeSuperparticles(const WhichContainer a_container, const int a_particlesPerCell);
Calling this function will merge/split the particles.
The default behavior in ItoSolver
is to not merge the particles, but the user can set the merging algorithm through the input script, or supply one externally.
In order to specify the merging algorithm the user must set the ItoSolver.merge_algorithm
to one of the following:
- No particle merging/splitting is performed.equal_weight_kd
Use a kD-tree with bounding volume hierarchies to partition and split/merge the particles.reinitialize
Re-initialize the particles in each grid cell, ensuring that weights are as uniform as possible.external
Use an externally injected particle merging algorithm. In order to use this feature the user must supply one through// Set a particle merging algorithm virtual void setParticleMerger(const std::function<void(List<ItoParticle>& a_particles, const CelInfo& a_cellinfo, const int a_numParticles)>);
where the input function is a function which merges the input particles, possibly also taking into account geometric information in the cell.
uses the kD-node implementation from Superparticles and partitioners for splitting the particles into two subsets with equal weights.
Plot files
can output the following variables to plot files:
\(\phi\), i.e. the deposited particle weights (
ItoSolver.plt_vars = phi
)\(\mathbf{v}\), the advection field (
ItoSolver.plt_vars = vel
).\(D\), the diffusion coefficient (
ItoSolver.plt_vars = dco
It can also plot the corresponding particle data holders:
Ito particles (
ItoSolver.plt_vars = part
).EB particles (
ItoSolver.plt_vars = eb_part
).Domain particles (
ItoSolver.plt_vars = domain_part
).Source particles (
ItoSolver.plt_vars = source_part
Checkpoint files
When writing checkpoint files, ItoSolver
can either
Add the particles to the HDF5 file,
Checkpoint the corresponding fluid data.
The user specifies this through the input script variable ItoSolver.checkpointing
, see Input options.
If checkpointing fluid data then a subsequent restart will generate a new set of particles.
If writing particle checkpoint files, simulation restarts must also read as if the checkpoint file contains particles.
Input options
Plot variables are specified using ItoSolver.plt_vars
, see Plot files).
If adding the various particle container data holders to the plot file, the deposition method for those is specified using ItoSolver.plot_deposition
If using fluid checkpointing for simulation restarts, the flag ItoSolver.ppc_restart
determines the maximum number of particles that will initialized in each grid cell during a restart.
To specify the mobility interpolation, use ItoSolver.mobility_interp
Valid options are direct
and velocity
, see Velocity interpolation.
Deposition and coarse-fine deposition (see Particle-mesh) is controlled using the flags
for the base deposition scheme. Valid options arengp
, andtsc
for the coarse-fine deposition strategy. Valid options areinterp
, orhalo_ngp
To modify the deposition scheme in cut-cells, one can enforce NGP interpolation and deposition through
for enforcing NGP deposition. Valid options aretrue
for enforcing NGP interpolation. Valid options aretrue
Available input options for the ItoSolver
are listed below:
# ====================================================================================================
# ItoSolver class options
# ====================================================================================================
ItoSolver.verbosity = -1 ## Class verbosity
ItoSolver.merge_algorithm = equal_weight_kd ## Particle merging algorithm. Either 'reinitialize' or 'equal_weight_kd'
ItoSolver.plt_vars = phi vel dco ## 'phi', 'vel', 'dco', 'part', 'eb_part', 'dom_part', 'src_part', 'energy_density', 'energy'
ItoSolver.intersection_alg = bisection ## Intersection algorithm for EB-particle intersections.
ItoSolver.bisect_step = 1.E-4 ## Bisection step length for intersection tests
ItoSolver.normal_max = 5.0 ## Maximum value (absolute) that can be drawn from the exponential distribution.
ItoSolver.redistribute = false ## Turn on/off redistribution.
ItoSolver.blend_conservation = false ## Turn on/off blending with nonconservative divergenceo
ItoSolver.checkpointing = particles ## 'particles' or 'numbers'
ItoSolver.ppc_restart = 32 ## Maximum number of computational particles to generate for restarts.
ItoSolver.irr_ngp_deposition = true ## Force irregular deposition in cut cells or not
ItoSolver.irr_ngp_interp = true ## Force irregular interpolation in cut cells or not
ItoSolver.mobility_interp = direct ## How to interpolate mobility, 'direct' or 'velocity', i.e. either mu_p = mu(X_p) or mu_p = (mu*E)(X_p)/E(X_p)
ItoSolver.plot_deposition = cic ## Cloud-in-cell for plotting particles.
ItoSolver.deposition = cic ## Deposition type.
ItoSolver.deposition_cf = halo ## Coarse-fine deposition. interp, halo, or halo_ngp
Example application
An example application of usage of the ItoSolver
is found in
, see Brownian walker.