
This is a beta release. Development is still in progress, and various bugs may be present. Minor changes to the user interface can still occur.

Welcome to chombo-discharge’s user documentation


chombo-discharge is a modular and scalable research code for Cartesian two- and three-dimensional simulations of low-temperature plasmas in complex geometries. The code is hosted at GitHub together with the source files for this documentation.

chombo-discharge features include:

  • Fully written in C++.

  • Parallelized with OpenMP, MPI, or MPI+OpenMP.

  • Support for complex geometries.

  • Scalar advection-diffusion-reaction processes.

  • Electrostatics with support for electrodes and dielectrics.

  • Radiative transport as a diffusion or Monte Carlo process.

  • Particle-mesh operations (like Particle-In-Cell)

  • Parallel I/O with HDF5.

  • Dual-grid simulations with individual load balancing of fluid and particles.

  • Various multi-physics interfaces that use the above solvers.

  • Various time integration schemes.

Numerical solvers are designed to run either on their own, or as a part of a larger application.

For scalability, chombo-discharge is built on top of Chombo 3, and therefore additionally features

  • Cut-cell representation of multi-material geometries.

  • Patch based adaptive mesh refinement.

  • Weak and strong scalability to thousands of computer cores.

Our goal is that users will be able to use chombo-discharge without modifying the underlying solvers. There are interfaces for describing e.g. the plasma physics, boundary conditions, mesh refinement, etc. As chombo-discharge evolves, so will these interfaces. We aim for (but cannot guarantee) backward compatibility such that existing chombo-discharge models can be run on future versions of chombo-discharge.





Multi-physics applications

Single-solver applications


