Electrostatics model
The electrostatics model solves
subject to the constraints and boundary conditions given in FieldSolver. The implementation is by a class
class FieldStepper : public TimeStepper
and is found in $DISCHARGE_HOME/Physics/Electrostatics
The C++ API is found here.
This module uses the following solvers:
Time stepping
is a class with only stationary solves.
This is enforced by making the TimeStepper::advance
method throw an error, while the field solve itself is done in the initialization procedure in TimeStepper::postInitialize
To run the solver, one must set Driver.max_steps = 0
Setting the space charge
Default behavior
By default, the initial space charge for this problem is given by Gaussian
where \(\rho_0\) is an amplitude, \(\mathbf{x}_0\) is the center and \(R\) is the Gaussian radius. These are set by the input options
FieldStepper.init_rho = 1.0
FieldStepper.rho_center = 0 0 0
FieldStepper.rho_radius = 1.0
Custom value
For a more general way of specifying the space charge, FieldStepper
has a public member function
void setRho(const std::function<Real(const RealVect& a_pos)>& a_rho, const phase::which_phase a_phase) noexcept;
Setting the surface charge
By default, the initial surface charge is set to a constant. This constant is given by
FieldStepper.init_sigma = 1.0
Custom value
For a more general way of specifying the surface charge, FieldStepper
has a public member function
void setSigma(const std::function<Real(const RealVect& a_pos)>& a_sigma) noexcept;
Setting up a new problem
To set up a new problem, using the Python setup tools in $DISCHARGE_HOME/Physics/Electrostatics
is the simplest way.
To see available setup options, run
./setup.py --help
For example, to set up a new problem in $DISCHARGE_HOME/MyApplications/MyElectrostaticsProblem
for a cylinder geometry, run
./setup.py -base_dir=MyApplications -app_name=MyElectrostaticsProblem -geometry=Cylinder
This will set up a new problem in a cylinder geometry (defined in Geometries/Cylinder
Example programs
Some example programs for this module are given in
Spatial convergence tests for this module (and consequently the underlying numerical discretization) are given in
All tests operate by computing solutions on grids with resolutions \(\Delta x\) and \(\Delta x/2\) and then computing the solution error using the approach outlined in Spatial convergence.
C1: Coaxial cable
is a spatial convergence test in a coaxial cable geometry.
Figure Fig. 28 shows the field distribution.
Note that there is a dielectric embedded between the two cylindrical shells.
The computed convergence rates are given in Fig. 29. We find second order convergence in all three norms.
C2: Profiled surface
is a 2D spatial convergence test for an electrode and a dielectric slab with surface profiles.
Figure Fig. 30 shows the field distribution.
The computed convergence rates are given in Fig. 31. We find second order convergence in all three norms.
C3: Dielectric shaft
is a 3D spatial convergence test for a dielectric shaft perpendicular to the background field.
Figure Fig. 32 shows the field distribution for a \(256^3\) grid.
The computed convergence rates are given in Fig. 33. We find second order convergence in \(L_1\) and \(L_2\) on all grids, and find second order convergence in the max-norm on sufficiently fine grids. On coarser grids, the reduced convergence rate in the max-norm is probably due to under-resolution of the geometry.