Tracer particles

Tracer particles are particles that move along a velocity field

\[\frac{\partial\mathbf{X}}{\partial t} = \mathbf{V}\]

where \(\mathbf{V}\) is the particle velocity. This is interpolated from a mesh-based field as

\[\mathbf{V} = \mathbf{v}\left(\mathbf{X}\right),\]

where \(\mathbf{v}\) is a velocity field defined on the mesh. Such particles are useful, for example, for numerical integration along field lines.

chombo-discharge defines AMR-ready tracer particle solvers in $DISCHARGE_HOME/Source/TracerParticles.


The tracer particle solver is templated as

template <typename P>
class TracerParticleSolver;

where P is the particle type used for the solver. The template constraints on P are

  1. It must contain a function RealVect& position()

  2. It must contain a function const Real& weight() const

  3. It must contain a function RealVect& velocity().

Users are free to provide their own particle type provided that it meets these template constraints. However, we also define a plug-and-play particle class that meets these requirements, see TracerParticle.


The TracerParticle type inherits from the GenericParticle particle class and is templated as

template <size_t M, size_t N>
class TracerParticle<M,N> : public GenericParticle<M, N>

and also defines two more members: A particle weight and a particle velocity. These are accesible as

template <size_t M, size_t N>
TracerParticle<M, N>::weight();

template <size_t M, size_t N>
TracerParticle<M, N>::velocity();

Note that, just as for GenericParticle, the template arguments M and N indicates the number of scalars and vectors allocated to the particle. See GenericParticle.


To initialize the solver, one can use the full constructor

template <typename P>
TracerParticleSolver<P>::TracerParticleSolver(const RefCountedPtr<AmrMesh>& a_amr,
                                              const RefCountedPtr<ComputationalGeometry> a_compGeom);

Getting the particles

To obtain the solver particles simply call

template <typename P>

This returns the ParticleContainer holding the particles, see ParticleContainer.

Setting \(\mathbf{v}\)

To set the velocity use

template <typename P>
TracerParticleSolver<P>::setVelocity(const EBAMRCellData& a_velocityField)

This will associate the input velocity a_velocityField with \(\mathbf{v}\).

Interpolating velocities

To compute \(\mathbf{V} = \mathbf{v}\left(\mathbf{X}\right)\) use

template <typename P>

This will interpolate the velocities to the particle positions using the user-defined interpolation method (see Input options).

One can also interpolate a scalar field defined on the mesh onto the particle weight by calling

template <typename P>
TracerParticleSolver<P>::interpolateWeight(const EBAMRCellData& a_scalar) noexcept;

Letting \(f\) define the input field a_scalar, this performs the operation \(w = f\left(\mathbf{X}\right)\).

Deposit particles

To deposit the particles call

template <typename P>
TracerParticleSolver<P>::deposit(EBAMRCellData& a_phi)

This will deposit the particle weights onto the input data holder.

Input options

Available input options for the tracer particle solver are

# ====================================================================================================
# TracerParticleSolver class options
# ====================================================================================================
TracerParticleSolver.verbosity     = -1     # Solver verbosity level. 
TracerParticleSolver.deposition    = cic    # Deposition method. Must be 'ngp' or 'cic'
TracerParticleSolver.interpolation = cic    # Interpolation method. Must be 'ngp' or 'cic'
TracerParticleSolver.deposition_cf = halo   # Coarse-fine deposition. Must be interp or halo
TracerParticleSolver.plot_weight   = true   # Turn on/off plotting of the particle weight.
TracerParticleSolver.plot_velocity = true   # Turn on/off plotting of the particle velocities.
TracerParticleSolver.volume_scale  = false  # If true, depositions yield density * volume instead of just volume

The flags deposition and interpolation indicates which deposition and interpolation methods will be used. Likewise, deposition_cf indicates the coarse-fine deposition strategy, see Particles. The flags plot_weight and plot_velocity indicates whether or not to include the particle weights and velocities in plot files.