Radiative transfer
The source code for the radiative transfer solvers reside in Source/RadiativeTransfer
Radiative transfer solvers are supported in the form of
Diffusion solvers, i.e. first order Eddington solvers, which takes the form of a Helmholtz equation.
Using Monte Carlo sampling of discrete photons.
The solvers share a parent class RtSolver
, and code that uses only the RtSolver
interface will should be able to switch between the two implementations.
Note, however, that the radiative transfer equation is inherently deterministic while Monte Carlo photon transport is inherently stochastic.
The diffusion approximation relies on solving an elliptic equation in the stationary case and a parabolic equation in the time-dependent case, while the Monte-Carlo approach solves solves for fully transient or ‘’stationary’’ transport.
The source code for the solver is located in $DISCHARGE_HOME/Source/RadiativeTransfer
and it is a fairly lightweight abstract class.
As with other solvers, RtSolver
can use a specified Realm.
To use the RtSolver
interface the user must cast from one of the inherited classes (see Diffusion approximation or Monte Carlo sampling).
Since most of the RtSolver
is an interface which is implemented by other radiative transfer solvers, documentation of boundary conditions, kernels and so on are found in the implementation classes.
The class RtSpecies
is an abstract base class for parsing necessary information into radiative transfer solvers.
When creating a radiative transfer solver one will need to pass in a reference to an RtSpecies
instantiation such that the solvers can look up the required infromation.
Currently, RtSpecies
is a lightweight class where the user needs to implement the function
virtual Real RtSpecies::getAbsorptionCoefficient(const RealVect a_pos) const = 0;
The absorption coefficient is used in the diffusion (see Diffusion approximation) and Monte Carlo (see Monte Carlo sampling) solvers.
One can also assign a name to the species through the member variable RtSpecies::m_name
Diffusion approximation
The first-order diffusion approximation to the radiative transfer equation is encapsulated by the EddingtonSP1
class which implements a first order Eddington approximation of the radiative transfer equation.
implements RtSolver
using both stationary and transient advance methods (e.g. for stationary or time-dependent radiative transport).
The source code is located in $DISCHARGE_HOME/RadiativeTransfer
Equation of motion
In the diffusion approximation, the radiative transport equation is
where \(\kappa\) is the absorption coefficient (i.e., inverse absorption length). Note that in the context below, \(\kappa\) is not the volume fraction of a grid cell but the absorption coefficient. This is called the Eddington approximation, and the radiative flux is \(F = -\frac{c}{3\kappa}\nabla \Psi\).
In the stationary case this yields a Helmholtz equation
uses multigrid methods for solving Eq. 5 and Eq. 6, see Linear solvers.
The class implements RtSolver::advance()
, which can switch between Eq. 5 and Eq. 6.
Note that for both the stationary and time-dependent cases the absorption coefficient \(\kappa\) in Eq. 5 and Eq. 6 are filled using the RtSpecies
implementation provided to the solver.
Also note that the absorption coefficient does not need to be constant in space.
Stationary kernel
For the stationary kernel we solve Eq. 6 directly, using a single multigrid solve. See Linear solvers for discretization details.
Transient kernel
For solving Eq. 5, EddingtonSP1
implements the backward Euler method, while explicit discretizations are not currently available.
The Euler discretization is
Again, this is a Helmholtz equation for \(\Psi^{k+1}\) which is solved using geometric multigrid.
Boundary conditions
Simplified domain boundary conditions
The EddingtonSP1
solver supports the following boundary conditions on domain faces and EBs.
The domain boundary condition type, which is either Dirichlet, Neumann, or Larsen (a special type of Robin boundary condition) is always passed in through the input file.
If the user passes in a value, say neumann 0.0
, for a particular domain side/face, then the class will use a homogeneous Neumann boundary for the entire domain edge/face.
Custom domain boundary conditions
It is possible to use more complex boundary conditions by passing in dirichlet_custom
, neumann_custom
, or larsen_custom
In this case the EddingtonSP1
solver will use a specified function at the domain edge/face.
To specify that function, EddingtonSP1
has a member function
void setDomainSideBcFunction(const int a_dir,
const Side::LoHiSide a_side,
const std::function<Real(const RealVect a_pos, const Real a_time)> a_function);
which species a boundary condition value for one of the edges (faces in 3D).
Note that the boundary condition type is still Dirichlet, Neumann, or Larsen (depending on whether or not dirichlet_custom
, neumann_custom
, or larsen_custom
was passed in).
For example, to set the boundary condition on the left \(x\) face in the domain, one can create a EddingtonSP1DomainBc::BcFunction
object as follows:
// Assume this has been instantiated.
RefCountedPtr<EddingtonSP1> eddingtonSolver;
// Make a lambda which we can bind to std::function.
auto myValue = [](const RealVect a_pos, const Real a_time) -> Real {
return a_pos[0] * a_time;
// Set the domain bc function in the solver.
eddingtonSolver.setDomainSideBcFunction(0, Side::Lo, myValue);
If the user specifies one of the custom boundary conditions but does not set the function, it will issue a run-time error.
Embedded boundaries
On the EB, we currently only support constant-value boundary conditions. In the input script, the user can specify
dirichlet <value>
For setting a constant Dirichlet boundary condition everywhere.neumann <value>
For setting a constant Neumann boundary condition everywhere.larsen <value>
For setting a constant Larsen boundary condition everywhere.
Boundary condition types
Dirichlet. For Dirichlet boundary conditions we specify the value of \(\Psi\) on the boundary. Note that this involves reconstructing the gradient \(\partial_n\Psi\) on domain faces and edges, see Dirichlet.
Neumann. For Neumann boundary conditions we specify the value of \(\partial_n\Psi\) on the boundary. Note that the linear solver interface also supports setting \(B\partial_n\Psi\) on the boundary (where \(B\) is the Helmholtz equation \(B\) coefficient). However, the
solver does not use this functionality.Larsen. The Larsen boundary condition is an absorbing boundary condition, taking the form of a Robin boundary as follows:
\[\kappa\partial_n\Psi + \frac{3\kappa^2}{2}\frac{1-3r_2}{1-2r_1}\Psi = g,\]where \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) are reflection coefficients and \(g\) is a surface source, see [Larsen et al., 2002] for details. Note that when the user specifies the boundary condition value (e.g. by setting the BC function), he is setting the surface sourge \(g\). In the majority of cases, however, we will have \(r_1 = r_2 = g = 0\) and the BC becomes
\[\partial_n\Psi + \frac{3\kappa}{2}\Psi = 0.\]
Solver configuration
The EddingtonSP1
implementation has a number of configurable options for running the solver, and these are given below:
# ====================================================================================================
# EddingtonSP1 class options
# ====================================================================================================
EddingtonSP1.verbosity = -1 ## Solver verbosity
EddingtonSP1.stationary = true ## Stationary solver
EddingtonSP1.reflectivity = 0. ## Reflectivity
EddingtonSP1.kappa_scale = true ## Kappa scale source or not (depends on algorithm)
EddingtonSP1.plt_vars = phi src ## Plot variables. Available are 'phi' and 'src'
EddingtonSP1.use_regrid_slopes = true ## Slopes on/off when regridding
EddingtonSP1.ebbc = larsen 0.0 ## Bc on embedded boundaries
EddingtonSP1.bc.x.lo = larsen 0.0 ## Bc on domain side. 'dirichlet', 'neuman', or 'larsen'
EddingtonSP1.bc.x.hi = larsen 0.0 ## Bc on domain side. 'dirichlet', 'neuman', or 'larsen'
EddingtonSP1.bc.y.lo = larsen 0.0 ## Bc on domain side. 'dirichlet', 'neuman', or 'larsen'
EddingtonSP1.bc.y.hi = larsen 0.0 ## Bc on domain side. 'dirichlet', 'neuman', or 'larsen'
EddingtonSP1.bc.z.lo = larsen 0.0 ## Bc on domain side. 'dirichlet', 'neuman', or 'larsen'
EddingtonSP1.bc.z.hi = larsen 0.0 ## Bc on domain side. 'dirichlet', 'neuman', or 'larsen'
EddingtonSP1.bc.z.hi = larsen 0.0 ## Boundary on domain. 'neumann' or 'larsen'
EddingtonSP1.gmg_verbosity = -1 ## GMG verbosity
EddingtonSP1.gmg_pre_smooth = 8 ## Number of relaxations in downsweep
EddingtonSP1.gmg_post_smooth = 8 ## Number of relaxations in upsweep
EddingtonSP1.gmg_bott_smooth = 8 ## NUmber of relaxations before dropping to bottom solver
EddingtonSP1.gmg_min_iter = 5 ## Minimum number of iterations
EddingtonSP1.gmg_max_iter = 32 ## Maximum number of iterations
EddingtonSP1.gmg_exit_tol = 1.E-6 ## Residue tolerance
EddingtonSP1.gmg_exit_hang = 0.2 ## Solver hang
EddingtonSP1.gmg_min_cells = 16 ## Bottom drop
EddingtonSP1.gmg_bottom_solver = bicgstab ## Bottom solver type. Either 'simple <number>' and 'bicgstab'
EddingtonSP1.gmg_cycle = vcycle ## Cycle type. Only 'vcycle' supported for now
EddingtonSP1.gmg_ebbc_weight = 1 ## EBBC weight (only for Dirichlet)
EddingtonSP1.gmg_ebbc_order = 2 ## EBBC order (only for Dirichlet)
EddingtonSP1.gmg_smoother = red_black ## Relaxation type. 'jacobi', 'red_black', or 'multi_color'
Basic options
Basic input options to EddingtonSP1
are as follows:
for controlling solver verbosity.EddingtonSP1.stationary
for setting whether or not the solver is stationary.EddingtonSP1.reflectivity
for controlling the reflectivity in the Larsen boundary conditions. Only relevant ifEddingtonSP1.stationary = false
Switch for multiplying the source with with the volume fraction or not. Note that the multigrid Helmholtz solvers require a diagonal weighting of the operator, including the right-hand side. IfEddingtonSP1.kappa_scale = false
then the solver will assume that this weighting of the source term has already been made.EddingtonSP1.plt_vars
For setting which solver plot variables are included in plot files.EddingtonSP1.use_regrid_slopes
For setting turning on/off slopes when regridding the solution.
Setting boundary conditions
Boundary conditions are parsed through the flags
Which sets the boundary conditions on the EBs.EddingtonSP1.bc.dim.side
Which sets the boundary conditions on the domain sides, see Boundary conditions for details.
Multigrid settings
All parameters that begin with the form EddingtonSP1.gmg_
indicate a tuning parameter for geometric multigrid.
. Controls the multigrid verbosity. Setting it to a number \(> 0\) will print multigrid convergence information.EddingtonSP1.gmg_pre_smooth
. Controls the number of relaxations on each level during multigrid downsweeps.EddingtonSP1.gmg_post_smooth
. Controls the number of relaxations on each level during multigrid upsweeps.EddingtonSP1.gmg_bott_smooth
. Controls the number of relaxations before entering the bottom solve.EddingtonSP1.gmg_min_iter
. Sets the minimum number of iterations that multigrid will perform.EddingtonSP1.gmg_max_iter
. Sets the maximum number of iterations that multigrid will perform.EddingtonSP1.gmg_exit_tol
. Sets the exit tolerance for multigrid. Multigrid will exit the iterations if \(r < \lambda r_0\) where \(\lambda\) is the specified tolerance, \(r = |L\Phi -\rho|\) is the residual and \(r_0\) is the residual for \(\Phi = 0\).EddingtonSP1.gmg_exit_hang
. Sets the minimum permitted reduction in the convergence rate before exiting multigrid. Letting \(r^k\) be the residual after \(k\) multigrid cycles, multigrid will abort if the residual between levels is not reduce by at least a factor of \(r^{k+1} < (1-h)r^k\), where \(h\) is the “hang” factor.EddingtonSP1.gmg_min_cells
. Sets the minimum amount of cells along any coordinate direction for coarsened levels. Note that this will control how far multigrid will coarsen. Setting a numbergmg_min_cells = 16
will terminate multigrid coarsening when the domain has 16 cells in any of the coordinate direction.EddingtonSP1.gmg_bottom_solver
. Sets the bottom solver type.EddingtonSP1.gmg_cycle
. Sets the multigrid method. Currently, only V-cycles are supported.EddingtonSP1.gmg_ebbc_order
. Sets the stencil order on EBs when using Dirichlet boundary conditions. Note that this is also the stencil radius. See Linear solvers for details.EddingtonSP1.gmg_ebbc_weight
. Sets the least squares stencil weighting factor for least squares gradient reconstruction on EBs when using Robin or Dirichlet boundary conditions. See Least squares for details.EddingtonSP1.gmg_smoother
. Sets the multigrid smoother.
Runtime parameters
The following parameters for EddingtonSP1
are run-time configurable:
All multigrid tuning parameters, i.e. parameters starting with
.Plot variables, i.e.
.Kappa scaling (for algorithmic adjustments), i.e.
Monte Carlo sampling
defines a class which can solve radiative transfer problems using discrete photons that travel “instantenously” or transiently.
The class derives from RtSolver
and can thus be used by problems that only require the RtSolver
can provide a rather complex interaction with boundaries, such as computing the intersection between a photon path and a geometry, and thus it can capture e.g. shadows.
The Monte Carlo sampling is a particle-based radiative transfer solver, and particle-mesh operations (see Particle-mesh) are required in order to deposit the photons on a mesh when computing densities.
The McPhoto
class is defined in $DISCHARGE_HOME/Source/RadiativeTransfer/CD_McPhoto.H
See the McPhoto C++ API for further details.
The solver has multiple data holders for systemizing photons, which is especially useful during transport kernels where some of the photons might strike a boundary:
In-flight photons
Bulk-absorbed photons, i.e. photons absorbed on the mesh.
EB-absorbed photons, i.e. photons that struck the EB during a transport step.
Domain-absorbed photons, i.e. photons that struck the domain edge/face during a transport step.
Source photons, for letting the user pass in externally generated photons into the solver.
Photon particle
The Photon
particle is a simple encapsulation of a computational particle and is used by McPhoto
It derives from GenericParticle<2,1>
and stores (in addition to the particle position):
The particle weight.
The particle mean absorption coefficient.
The particle velocity/direction.
The Photon
class is defined in $DISCHARGE_HOME/Source/RadiativeTransfer/CD_Photon.H
When defining the McPhoto
class, the particle’s absorption coefficient is computed from the implementation of the absorption function method in RtSpecies.
Generating photons
There are several ways users can generate computational photons that are to be transported by the solver.
Fetch the source photons by calling
and fill the returned data holder. The photons can then be added to theMcPhoto
instantiation and one of the transport kernels can be called.If the source term \(\eta\) has been filled, the user can call
to have the solver generate the computational photons and than transport them.Important
function is only meant to be used together with a mesh-based source term that the user has filled prior to calling the method.When using the
, the number of photons that are generated are limit to a user-specified number (see Solver configuration for further details).
Transport modes
can be run as a fully transient (in which photons are tracked in time) or as an instantaneous solver (where photons are absorbed immediately on the mesh).
These two differ in the way the transport problem over a time step \(\Delta t\) is approach, but both methods include intersection tests with geometries and domain edges/faces,
Instantaneous transport
When using instantaneous transport, any photon generated in a time step is immediately absorbed on the boundary through the following steps:
Optionally, have the solver generate photons to be transport (or add them externally).
Draw a propagation distance \(r\) by drawing random numbers from an exponential distribution \(p(r) = \kappa \exp\left(-\kappa r\right)\). Here, \(\kappa\) is computed by calling the underlying RtSpecies absorption function. The absorbed position of the photon is set to \(\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{x}_0 + r\mathbf{n}\).
In instantaneous mode photons might travel infinitely long, i.e. there is no guarantee that \(c\Delta t \leq r\).
Deposit the photons on the mesh.
Transient transport
The transient Monte Carlo method is almost identical to the stationary method, except that it does not deposit all generated photons on the mesh but tracks them through time. For each photon, do the following:
Compute an absorption length \(r\) by sampling the absorption function at the current photon position.
Each photon is advanced over the time step \(\Delta t\) such that the position is
\[\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{x}_0 + \mathbf{c}\Delta t.\]Check if \(\left|\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_0\right| < r\) and if it is, absorb the photon on the mesh.
Other transport kernels
In addition to the above two methods, the solver interface permits users to add e.g. source photons externally and add them to the solvers’ transport kernel.
Solver configuration
# ====================================================================================================
# McPhoto class options
# ====================================================================================================
McPhoto.verbosity = -1 ## Solver verbosity
McPhoto.instantaneous = true ## Instantaneous transport or not
McPhoto.max_photons_per_cell = 32 ## Maximum no. generated in a cell (<= 0 yields physical photons)
McPhoto.num_sampling_packets = 1 ## Number of sub-sampling packets for max_photons_per_cell. Only for instantaneous=true
McPhoto.blend_conservation = false ## Switch for blending with the nonconservative divergence
McPhoto.transparent_eb = false ## Turn on/off transparent boundaries. Only for instantaneous=true
McPhoto.plt_vars = phi src phot ## Available are 'phi' and 'src', 'phot', 'eb_phot', 'dom_phot', 'bulk_phot', 'src_phot'
McPhoto.intersection_alg = bisection ## EB intersection algorithm. Supported are: 'raycast' 'bisection'
McPhoto.bisect_step = 1.E-4 ## Bisection step length for intersection tests
McPhoto.bc_x_low = outflow ## Boundary condition. 'outflow', 'symmetry', or 'wall'
McPhoto.bc_x_high = outflow ## Boundary condition
McPhoto.bc_y_low = outflow ## Boundary condition
McPhoto.bc_y_high = outflow ## Boundary condition
McPhoto.bc_z_low = outflow ## Boundary condition
McPhoto.bc_z_high = outflow ## Boundary condition
McPhoto.photon_generation = deterministic ## Volumetric source term. 'deterministic' or 'stochastic'
McPhoto.source_type = number ## 'number' -> Source term contains the number of photons produced
## 'volume' -> Source terms contains the number of photons produced per unit volume
## 'volume_rate' -> Source terms contains the volumetric rate
## 'rate' -> Source terms contains the rate
McPhoto.deposition = cic ## 'ngp' -> nearest grid point, 'cic' -> cloud-in-cell
McPhoto.deposition_cf = halo ## Coarse-fine deposition. Must be 'interp' or 'halo'
for controlling the solver verbosity.McPhoto.instantaneous
for setting the transport mode.McPhoto.max_photons_per_cell
for restricting the number of photons generated per cell when having the solver generate the computational photons. This is only relevant when calling theadvance
for using sub-sampling when generating and transport photons in instantaneous mode through theadvance
function. This permits theMcPhoto.max_photons_per_cell
to partition the photon transport into packets where a fewer number of photons are generated during each step. Note that this will deposit the photons on the mesh for each packet, and the absorbed photons are only available as a density (i.e., the computational photons that were absorbed are lost). This can reduce memory for certain types of applications when using many computational photons.McPhoto.blend_conservation
is a dead option marked for future removal (it blends a non-conservative divergence when depositing in cut-cells).McPhoto.transparent_eb
for turning on/off transparent boundaries. Mostly used for debugging.McPhoto.plt_vars
for setting plot variables.McPhoto.intersection_alg
sets the intersection algorithm when computing collisions with EBs. Ray-casting and bisection methods are supported.McPhoto.bisect_step
sets bisection step (physical length) when calculation intersection tests using the bisection algorithm (i.e., this parameter is irrelevant ifMcPhoto.intersection_alg = raycast
for setting the deposition method. Currently, NGP and CIC methods are supported (see Particle-mesh).McPhoto.deposition_cf
for setting the deposition strategy near coarse-fine boundaries. Currently, interp and halo are supported, see Particle-mesh.McPhoto_bc_<coord>_<low/high>
sets the boundary condition on domain edges/faces.McPhoto.photon_generation
for setting the photon generation method (details are given below).McPhoto.source_type
for setting the photon generation method (details are given below).
The McPhoto
class includes a hidden input parameter McPhoto.dirty_sampling = true/false
which enables a cheaper sampling method for discrete photons when calling the advance
The caveat is that the method does not incorporate boundary intersect, only works for instantaneous propagation, and avoids filling the data holders that are necessary for load balancing.
When computational photons are generated through the solver, users might have filled the source term differently depending on the application.
For example, users might have filled the source term with the number of photons generated per unit volume and time, or the physical number of photons to be generated.
The two input options McPhoto.photon_generation
and McPhoto.source_type
contain the necessary specifications for ensuring that the user-filled source term can be translated properly for ensuring that the correct number of physical photons are generated.
Firstly, McPhoto.source_type
contains the specification of what the source term contains, e.g.
if the source term contains the physical number of photons.volume
if the source terms contains the physical number of photons generated per unit volume.volume_rate
if the source terms contains the physical number of photons generated per unit volume and time.rate
if the source terms contains the physical number of photons generated per unit time.
When McPhoto
calculates the number of physical photons in a cell, it will automatically determine from McPhoto.source_type
, \(\Delta V\) and \(\Delta t\) how many physical photons are to be generated in each grid cell.
permits the user to turn on/off Poisson sampling when determining how many photons will be generated.
If this is set to stochastic, the solver will first compute the number of physical photons \(\overline{N}_\gamma^{\text{phys}}\) following the procedure above, and then run a Poisson sampling such that the final number of physical photons is
Otherwise, if McPhoto.photon_generation
is set to deterministic then the solver will generate
Again, these elements are important because users might choose to run such stochastic samplings outside of McPhoto
All of the above procedures are done per-cell.
Example application
Example applications that use RtSolver
are found in: