Data parsing

Routines for reading column data into LookupTable are defined under the DataParser namespace. For example, for reading two columns into a lookup table (see Lookup tables):

// Read all rows
LookupTable1D<Real, 1>
simpleFileReadASCII(const std::string       a_fileName,
                    const int               a_xColumn     = 0,
                    const int               a_yColumn     = 1,
                    const std::vector<char> a_ignoreChars = {'#', '/'});

// Specify rows where to start and stop reading data
LookupTable1D<Real, 1>
fractionalFileReadASCII(const std::string       a_fileName,
                        const std::string       a_startRead,
                        const std::string       a_stopRead,
                        const int               a_xColumn     = 0,
                        const int               a_yColumn     = 1,
                        const std::vector<char> a_ignoreChars = {'#', '/'});