
Substantial efforts have been made in writing chombo-discharge. Publications that arise from the use of chombo-discharge must acknowledge it’s usage and cite the appropriate methodology papers. Currently, if you use chombo-discharge you should cite the following method paper:

   author = {Marskar, Robert},
   doi = {10.21105/joss.05335},
   journal = {Journal of Open Source Software},
   month = may,
   number = {85},
   pages = {5335},
   title = {{chombo-discharge: An AMR code for gas discharge simulations in complex geometries}},
   url = {},
   volume = {8},
   year = {2023}

We maintain a list of publications (see References) that use chombo-discharge for scientific research. If you use the code for research, please let us know so we can update this list.


You can update the bibliography file yourself. It is found in $DISCHARGE_HOME/Docs/Sphinx/source/publications.bib, simply update it and contribute by creating a pull request on GitHub.