AmrMesh Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for AmrMesh:


file  CD_AmrMesh.cpp
 Implementation of CD_AmrMesh.H.
file  CD_AmrMesh.H [code]
 Declaration of core class for handling AMR-related operations (with embedded boundaries)
file  CD_AmrMeshImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_AmrMesh.H.
file  CD_Average.H [code]
 Declaration of averaging methods.
file  CD_BoxLoops.H [code]
 Declaration of a namespace for proto-typing grid and EB loops.
file  CD_BoxLoopsImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_BoxLoops.H.
file  CD_BoxSorting.H [code]
 Declaration of an enum for identifying various ways of sorting grid patches.
file  CD_CellInfo.cpp
 Implementation of CD_CellInfo.H.
file  CD_CellInfo.H [code]
 Simple class for holding some quantities relevant in a grid cell.
file  CD_CentroidInterpolationStencil.cpp
 Implementation of CD_CentroidInterpolationStencil.H.
file  CD_CentroidInterpolationStencil.H [code]
 Implementation of IrregStencil that interpolates from cell centers to cell centroids.
file  CD_CoarseInterpQuadCF.cpp
 Implementation of CD_CoarseInterpQuadCF.H.
file  CD_CoarseInterpQuadCF.H [code]
 Supporting class for doing the coarse-side interpolation for multigrid.
file  CD_CopyStrategy.H [code]
 Simple enum for distinguishing copying strategies.
file  CD_DomainFluxIFFAB.cpp
 Implementation of CD_DomainFluxIFFAB.H.
file  CD_DomainFluxIFFAB.H [code]
 Declaration of a BaseIFFAB wrapper that holds domain fluxes.
file  CD_DomainFluxIFFABFactory.cpp
 Implementation of CD_DomainFluxIFFABFactory.H.
file  CD_DomainFluxIFFABFactory.H [code]
 Declaration of factory class for DomainFluxIFFAB.
file  CD_EBAddOp.cpp
 Implementation of CD_EBAddOp.H.
file  CD_EBAddOp.H [code]
 Declaration of a Copier class for making incrementation between LevelData<EBCellFAB> easier.
file  CD_EBAMRData.H [code]
 Class for holding data across EBAMR hierarchies.
file  CD_EBAMRDataImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of EBAMRData.H.
file  CD_EbCentroidInterpolationStencil.cpp
 Implementation of CD_EbCentroidInterpolationStencil.H.
file  CD_EbCentroidInterpolationStencil.H [code]
 Declaration of IrregStencil-derived class that can from cell centers to embedded boundary centroids.
file  CD_EBCoarAve.cpp
 Implementation of CD_EBCoarAve.H.
file  CD_EBCoarAve.H [code]
 Declaration of conservative coarsening utility.
file  CD_EBCoarseToFineInterp.cpp
 Implementation of EBCoarseToFineInterp.H.
file  CD_EBCoarseToFineInterp.H [code]
 Declaration of an aggregated class for regrid operations.
file  CD_EBFluxRedistribution.cpp
 Implementation of CD_EBFluxRedistribution.cpp.
file  CD_EBFluxRedistribution.H [code]
 Declaration of a class which can perform redistribution in an EB-AMR context.
file  CD_EBGhostCellInterpolator.cpp
 Implementation of CD_EBGhostCellInterpolator.H.
file  CD_EBGhostCellInterpolator.H [code]
 Declaration of a class which interpolates ghost cells across the coarse-fine interface.
file  CD_EBGradient.cpp
 Implementation of CD_EBGradient.H.
file  CD_EBGradient.H [code]
 Declaration of a class which computes gradients in an EBAMR context.
file  CD_EBLeastSquaresMultigridInterpolator.cpp
 Implementation of CD_EBLeastSquaresMultigridInterpolator.H.
file  CD_EBLeastSquaresMultigridInterpolator.H [code]
 Declaration of a class that can interpolate more ghost cells near the coarse-fine boundary near the EB.
file  CD_EBMGProlong.cpp
 Implementation of CD_EBMGProlong.H.
file  CD_EBMGProlong.H [code]
 Declaration of a prolongation operator for EB geometric multigrid.
file  CD_EBMGRestrict.cpp
 Implementation of CD_EBMGRestrict.H.
file  CD_EBMGRestrict.H [code]
 Declaration of a restriction operator for EB geometric multigrid.
file  CD_EBMultigridInterpolator.cpp
 Implementation of CD_EBMultigridInterpolator.H.
file  CD_EBMultigridInterpolator.H [code]
 Declaration of a class that can interpolate more ghost cells near the coarse-fine boundary near the EB.
file  CD_EBReflux.cpp
 Implementation of CD_EBReflux.H.
file  CD_EBReflux.H [code]
 Declaration of a class which can reflux over the coarse-fine interface.
file  CD_IrregAddOp.cpp
 Implementation of CD_IrregAddOp.H.
file  CD_IrregAddOp.H [code]
 Declaration of a Copier class for making incrementation between LevelData<BaseIVFAB<Real>> easier.
file  CD_IrregAmrStencil.H [code]
 Class for holding stencils on irregular over an entire AMR hierarchy.
file  CD_IrregAmrStencilImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_IrregAmrStencil.H.
file  CD_IrregStencil.H [code]
 Abstract class for holding cut-cell stencils on an AMR level.
file  CD_LevelTiles.cpp
 Implementation of CD_LevelTiles.H.
file  CD_LevelTiles.H [code]
 Declaration of LevelTiles.
file  CD_LinearStencil.cpp
 Implementation of CD_LinearStencil.H.
file  CD_LinearStencil.H [code]
 Routines for computing a bi/tri-linear interpolation stencil in cut-cells.
file  CD_LoadBalancing.cpp
file  CD_LoadBalancing.H [code]
 Declaration of a static class for various load balancing operations.
file  CD_LoadBalancingImplem.H [code]
file  CD_Loads.cpp
 Implementation of CD_Loads.H.
file  CD_Loads.H [code]
 Declaration of a simple class for holding computational loads.
file  CD_NonConservativeDivergenceStencil.cpp
 Implementation of CD_NonConservativeDivergenceStencil.H.
file  CD_NonConservativeDivergenceStencil.H [code]
 Implementation of IrregStencil that can perform the nonconservative divergence averaging.
file  CD_PhaseRealm.cpp
 Implementation of CD_PhaseRealm.H.
file  CD_PhaseRealm.H [code]
 Declaration of the PhaseRealm class.
file  CD_Realm.cpp
 Implementation of CD_Realm.H.
file  CD_Realm.H [code]
 Declaration of the Realm class.
file  CD_TiledMeshRefine.cpp
 Implementation of CD_TiledMeshRefine.H.
file  CD_TiledMeshRefine.H [code]
 Header for class TiledMeshRefine.
file  CD_TileImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_Tile.H.