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Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NBoxLoopsNamespace for encapsulating loop types
 NDataParserClass for simple data parsing from IO files
 NDischargeIONamespace which encapsulates chombo-discharge IO functionality
 NLaPackUtilsNamespace containing various useful linear algebra routines using LaPACK
 NLocationNamespace for encapsulating various data centerings
 NMemoryReportNamespace containing utility functions for reporting memory usage in various formats
 NParallelOpsFor putting a bunch of often-used MPI reductions in one place
 NParticleManagementNamespace for various particle management tools
 NphasePhase names
 NPhysicsName containing various physics models for running chombo-discharge code
 NAdvectionDiffusionNamespace for encapsulating AdvectionDiffusion physics code
 CAdvectionDiffusionSpeciesAdvection and diffused species for AdvectionDiffusionStepper
 CAdvectionDiffusionStepperImplementation of TimeStepper which runs a single advection-diffusion-reaction solver
 CAdvectionDiffusionTaggerClass for tagging cells in AdvectionDiffusion physics
 NBrownianWalkerNamespace for encapsulating physics code for describing Brownian walkers
 CBrownianWalkerSpeciesSpecies which is advected/diffused in Brownian walker code
 CBrownianWalkerStepperImplementation of TimeStepper which advances an ItoSolver
 CBrownianWalkerTaggerImplementation of CellTagger for tagging cells for Brownian walker physics
 NCdrPlasmaNamespace for encapsulating CDR plasma code
 CCdrPlasmaFieldTaggerLightweight tagging class which flags cells for refinement/coarsening using the electric field only
 CCdrPlasmaGodunovStepperClass for evolving plasma equations using a split step Godunov method
 CCdrStorageUtility class for memory handling in CdrPlasmaStepper
 CFieldStorageUtility class for memory handling in CdrPlasmaStepper
 CRtStorageUtility class for memory handling in CdrPlasmaStepper
 CSigmaStorageUtility class for memory handling in CdrPlasmaStepper
 CCdrPlasmaImExSdcStepperClass for evolving plasma equations using implicit-explicit spectral deferred corrections
 CCdrPlasmaJSONClass which implements CdrPlasmaPhysics and parses plasma chemistry from a JSON input file
 CCdrPlasmaPhotoReactionJSONClass for encapsulating reactive process of type A + B + Y -> X3 + for CdrPlasmaPhysics. This class just stores a list of product target species
 CCdrPlasmaPhysicsAbstract base class for specifying plasma kinetics. This is the base class used by CdrPlasmaStepper when advancing the minimal plasma model
 CCdrPlasmaReactionJSONClass for encapsulating reactive process of type X1 + X2 -> X3 + Y for CdrPlasmaPhysics. This class just stores a list of product and target species
 CCdrPlasmaStepperAbstract class for evolving the minimal plasma model in time
 CCdrPlasmaStreamerTaggerClass which implements CdrPlasmaFieldTagger and refines cells based on the criterion alpha*dx > threshold or on the curvature of the electric field
 CCdrPlasmaSurfaceReactionJSONClass for encapsulating reactive process of type A + B + Y -> X3 + for CdrPlasmaPhysics. This class just stores a list of product target species
 CCdrPlasmaTaggerAbstract Class which implements CellTagger for the CDR plasma physics module
 CCdrSpeciesJSONEncapsulation of species settings and initial conditions for CDR species in CdrPlasma
 CNeutralSpeciesJSONEncapsulation of species settings and initial conditiosn for use with CdrPlasma. This is for tracked species
 CRteSpeciesJSONEncapsulation of radiative transfer species for usage with CdrPlasmaJSON
 NElectrostaticsNamespace for encapsulating physics code for electrostatic problems
 CFieldStepperImplementation of TimeStepper for solving electrostatic problems. The template parameter is the FieldSolver implementation type
 NGeometryNamespace for encapsulating the Geometry module – i.e. functionality for just plotting various geometries
 CGeometryStepperThis implementation does absolutely nothing – it instantiates a TimeStepper with empty functionality
 NRadiativeTransferNamespace for encapsulating the radiative transfer physics module
 CRadiativeTransferSpeciesImplementation of RtSpecies for usage in RadiativeTransfer module
 CRadiativeTransferStepperImplementation of TimeStepper for solving for a single radiative transfer species. This supports both Monte Carlo photons and Helmholtz approximations through the common RtSolver interface
 NTracerParticleNamespace for encapsulating physics code for tracer particles
 CTracerParticleStepperImplementation of TimeStepper for advancing tracer particles in a fixed velocity field
 NPolyUtilsAgglomeration class for various useful polynomial routines
 NUnitsVarious SI units