NBoxLoops | Namespace for encapsulating loop types |
NDataParser | Class for simple data parsing from IO files |
NDischargeIO | Namespace which encapsulates chombo-discharge IO functionality |
NLaPackUtils | Namespace containing various useful linear algebra routines using LaPACK |
NLocation | Namespace for encapsulating various data centerings |
NMemoryReport | Namespace containing utility functions for reporting memory usage in various formats |
NParallelOps | For putting a bunch of often-used MPI reductions in one place |
NParticleManagement | Namespace for various particle management tools |
Nphase | Phase names |
▼NPhysics | Name containing various physics models for running chombo-discharge code |
▼NAdvectionDiffusion | Namespace for encapsulating AdvectionDiffusion physics code |
CAdvectionDiffusionSpecies | Advection and diffused species for AdvectionDiffusionStepper |
CAdvectionDiffusionStepper | Implementation of TimeStepper which runs a single advection-diffusion-reaction solver |
CAdvectionDiffusionTagger | Class for tagging cells in AdvectionDiffusion physics |
▼NBrownianWalker | Namespace for encapsulating physics code for describing Brownian walkers |
CBrownianWalkerSpecies | Species which is advected/diffused in Brownian walker code |
CBrownianWalkerStepper | Implementation of TimeStepper which advances an ItoSolver |
CBrownianWalkerTagger | Implementation of CellTagger for tagging cells for Brownian walker physics |
▼NCdrPlasma | Namespace for encapsulating CDR plasma code |
CCdrPlasmaFieldTagger | Lightweight tagging class which flags cells for refinement/coarsening using the electric field only |
▼CCdrPlasmaGodunovStepper | Class for evolving plasma equations using a split step Godunov method |
CCdrStorage | Utility class for memory handling in CdrPlasmaStepper |
CFieldStorage | Utility class for memory handling in CdrPlasmaStepper |
CRtStorage | Utility class for memory handling in CdrPlasmaStepper |
CSigmaStorage | Utility class for memory handling in CdrPlasmaStepper |
▼CCdrPlasmaImExSdcStepper | Class for evolving plasma equations using implicit-explicit spectral deferred corrections |
CCdrStorage | |
CFieldStorage | |
CRtStorage | |
CSigmaStorage | |
CCdrPlasmaJSON | Class which implements CdrPlasmaPhysics and parses plasma chemistry from a JSON input file |
CCdrPlasmaPhotoReactionJSON | Class for encapsulating reactive process of type A + B + Y -> X3 + for CdrPlasmaPhysics. This class just stores a list of product target species |
CCdrPlasmaPhysics | Abstract base class for specifying plasma kinetics. This is the base class used by CdrPlasmaStepper when advancing the minimal plasma model |
CCdrPlasmaReactionJSON | Class for encapsulating reactive process of type X1 + X2 -> X3 + Y for CdrPlasmaPhysics. This class just stores a list of product and target species |
CCdrPlasmaStepper | Abstract class for evolving the minimal plasma model in time |
CCdrPlasmaStreamerTagger | Class which implements CdrPlasmaFieldTagger and refines cells based on the criterion alpha*dx > threshold or on the curvature of the electric field |
CCdrPlasmaSurfaceReactionJSON | Class for encapsulating reactive process of type A + B + Y -> X3 + for CdrPlasmaPhysics. This class just stores a list of product target species |
CCdrPlasmaTagger | Abstract Class which implements CellTagger for the CDR plasma physics module |
CCdrSpeciesJSON | Encapsulation of species settings and initial conditions for CDR species in CdrPlasma |
CNeutralSpeciesJSON | Encapsulation of species settings and initial conditiosn for use with CdrPlasma. This is for tracked species |
CRteSpeciesJSON | Encapsulation of radiative transfer species for usage with CdrPlasmaJSON |
▼NElectrostatics | Namespace for encapsulating physics code for electrostatic problems |
CFieldStepper | Implementation of TimeStepper for solving electrostatic problems. The template parameter is the FieldSolver implementation type |
▼NGeometry | Namespace for encapsulating the Geometry module – i.e. functionality for just plotting various geometries |
CGeometryStepper | This implementation does absolutely nothing – it instantiates a TimeStepper with empty functionality |
▼NRadiativeTransfer | Namespace for encapsulating the radiative transfer physics module |
CRadiativeTransferSpecies | Implementation of RtSpecies for usage in RadiativeTransfer module |
CRadiativeTransferStepper | Implementation of TimeStepper for solving for a single radiative transfer species. This supports both Monte Carlo photons and Helmholtz approximations through the common RtSolver interface |
▼NTracerParticle | Namespace for encapsulating physics code for tracer particles |
CTracerParticleStepper | Implementation of TimeStepper for advancing tracer particles in a fixed velocity field |
NPolyUtils | Agglomeration class for various useful polynomial routines |
NUnits | Various SI units |