Utilities Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for Utilities:


file  CD_DataOps.cpp
 Implementation of CD_DataOps.H.
file  CD_DataOps.H [code]
 Agglomeration of useful data operations.
file  CD_DataOpsImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_DataOps.H.
file  CD_DataParser.cpp
 Implementation of CD_DataParser.H.
file  CD_DataParser.H [code]
 Declaration of various routines for simple parsing of input data.
file  CD_DischargeIO.cpp
 Implementation of DischargeIO.H.
file  CD_DischargeIO.H [code]
 Silly, but useful functions that override standard Chombo HDF5 IO.
file  CD_DischargeIOImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_DischargeIO.H.
file  CD_LaPackUtils.cpp
 Implementation of CD_LaPackUtils.H.
file  CD_LaPackUtils.H [code]
 Interface to some LaPack routines.
file  CD_LeastSquares.cpp
 Implementation of CD_LeastSquares.H.
file  CD_LeastSquares.H [code]
 Agglomeration of various routines that use least squares computations.
file  CD_Location.H [code]
 Declaration of cell positions.
file  CD_LocationImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_Location.H.
file  CD_LookupTable.H [code]
 Declaration of a table for looking up coefficients etc.
file  CD_LookupTable1D.H [code]
 Declaration of a lookup table in one independent variable.
file  CD_MemoryReport.cpp
 Implementation of CD_MemoryReport.H.
file  CD_MemoryReport.H [code]
 Headers for utility functions that report memory usage.
file  CD_MultiIndex.cpp
 Implementation of CD_MultiIndex.H.
file  CD_OpenMP.H [code]
 Declaration of various useful OpenMP-related utilities.
file  CD_ParallelOps.H [code]
 Agglomeration of basic MPI reductions.
file  CD_ParallelOpsImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_ParallelOps.H.
file  CD_PolyUtils.cpp
 Implementation of CD_PolyUtils.cpp.
file  CD_PolyUtils.H [code]
 Agglomeration of some useful algebraic/polynomial routines.
file  CD_Random.cpp
 Implementation of CD_Random.H.
file  CD_Random.H [code]
 File containing some useful static methods related to random number generation.
file  CD_RandomImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_Random.H.
file  CD_RealBox.cpp
 Implementation of CD_RealBox.H.
file  CD_RealBox.H [code]
 Declaration of an axis-aligned box in space.
file  CD_Timer.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_Timer.H.
file  CD_TimerImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_Timer.H.
file  CD_Units.H [code]
 Declaration of various useful units.
file  CD_VofUtils.cpp
 Implementation of CD_VofUtils.H.
file  CD_VofUtils.H [code]
 Various functions for getting Vofs near cut-cells.