18#include <CD_Decorations.H>
20#include <CD_NamespaceHeader.H>
430 template <
typename T>
1451#include <CD_NamespaceFooter.H>
Declaration of averaging methods.
Various averaging methods.
Definition CD_Average.H:24
Implementation of CD_DataOps.H.
Class for holding data across EBAMR hierarchies.
Declaration of a class that allocates irregular data holders over the interface between two phases.
Agglomeration of useful data operations.
Definition CD_DataOps.H:28
static void averageCellVelocityToFaceVelocity(EBAMRFluxData &a_faceData, const EBAMRCellData &a_cellData, const Vector< ProblemDomain > &a_domains, const int a_tanGhosts)
Routine which computes the average of a cell-centered quantity on faces for the normal component only...
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:27
static void scale(MFAMRCellData &a_lhs, const Real &a_scale) noexcept
Scale data by factor.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:2398
static void averageFaceToCell(EBAMRCellData &a_cellData, const EBAMRFluxData &a_fluxData, const Vector< ProblemDomain > &a_domains)
Average all components of face centered data to cell centers.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:369
static void divideFallback(EBAMRCellData &a_numerator, const EBAMRCellData &a_denominator, const Real a_fallback)
Divide data. If the denominator is zero, set the value to a fallback option.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:1317
static void volumeScale(EBAMRCellData &a_data, const Vector< Real > &a_dx)
Scale data by dx^SpaceDim.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:2146
static void vectorLength(EBAMRCellData &a_lhs, const EBAMRCellData &a_rhs)
Compute the vector length of a data holder. Sets a_lhs = |a_rhs| where a_rhs contains SpaceDim compon...
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:3410
static void getMaxMinNorm(Real &a_max, Real &a_min, EBAMRCellData &data)
Get maximum and minimum value of normed data.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:1797
static void compute(EBAMRCellData &a_data, const std::function< Real(const Real a_cellValue)> &a_func) noexcept
Compute a new value given the old cell value.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:480
static void floor(EBAMRCellData &a_lhs, const Real a_value)
Floor values in data holder. This sets all values below a_value to a_value.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:1394
static void squareRoot(EBAMRFluxData &a_lhs)
Compute the square root of the input data.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:3289
static int sgn(const T a_value)
Sign function. Returns +/- if the value is > 0 or < 0.
Definition CD_DataOpsImplem.H:42
static void filterSmooth(EBAMRCellData &a_data, const Real a_alpha, const int a_stride, const bool a_zeroEB) noexcept
Apply a convolved filter phi = alpha * phi_i + 0.5*(1-alpha) * [phi_(i+s) + phi_(i-s)] in each direct...
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:660
static void divide(EBAMRCellData &a_lhs, const EBAMRCellData &a_rhs, const int a_lhsComp, const int a_rhsComp)
Divide one data holder by another. Does specified components.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:1174
static void max(EBAMRCellData &a_data, const EBAMRCellData &a_data1, const EBAMRCellData &a_data2)
Make a_data = max(a_data1, a_data2)
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:1590
static void setInvalidValue(EBAMRCellData &a_lhs, const Vector< int > &a_refRat, const Real a_value)
Set value in cells that are covered by a finer grid.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:2663
static void computeMinValidBox(RealVect &a_lo, RealVect &a_hi, const RealVect a_normal, const RealVect a_centroid)
Compute the tightest possible valid box around a cut-cell volume.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:3581
static void getMaxMin(Real &max, Real &min, EBAMRCellData &a_data, const int a_comp)
Get maximum and minimum value of specified component.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:1651
static void shiftCorners(Vector< RealVect > &a_corners, const RealVect &a_distance)
Shift pointes by a specified distance.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:3665
static void divideByScalar(EBAMRCellData &a_lhs, const EBAMRCellData &a_rhs)
Divide all components in a data holder by a scalar value.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:1210
static void multiply(EBAMRCellData &a_lhs, const EBAMRCellData &a_rhs)
Multiply data holder by another data holder.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:2156
static void kappaScale(EBAMRCellData &a_data) noexcept
Scale data by volume fraction.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:2058
static void invert(EBFluxFAB &a_data)
Invert data.
static void sum(Real &a_value)
Compute the sum of the input value.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:3272
static void incr(MFAMRCellData &a_lhs, const MFAMRCellData &a_rhs, const Real a_scale) noexcept
Function which increments data in the form a_lhs = a_lhs + a_rhs*a_scale for all components.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:801
static void setCoveredValue(EBAMRCellData &a_lhs, const int a_comp, const Real a_value)
Set value in covered cells. Does specified component.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:2552
static void setValue(LevelData< MFInterfaceFAB< T > > &a_lhs, const T &a_value)
Set value in an MFInterfaceFAB data holder.
Definition CD_DataOpsImplem.H:23
static void dotProduct(MFAMRCellData &a_result, const MFAMRCellData &a_data1, const MFAMRCellData &a_data2)
Compote the cell-wise dot product between two data holders.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:533
static void roof(EBAMRCellData &a_lhs, const Real a_value)
Roof values in data holder. This sets all values above a_value to a_value.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:1492
static bool allCornersInsideEb(const Vector< RealVect > &a_corners, const RealVect a_normal, const RealVect a_centroid)
Check if all corners/points are inside an EB.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:3648
static void invert(EBAMRFluxData &a_data)
Invert data.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:1947
static Real norm(const LevelData< EBCellFAB > &a_data, const int a_p, const int a_comp=0)
Compute specified norm of data.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:2330
static void plus(EBAMRCellData &a_lhs, const EBAMRCellData &a_rhs, const int a_srcComp, const int a_dstComp, const int a_numComp)
General addition operator for adding together data. The user can choose which components to add.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:866
static void kappaSum(Real &a_mass, const LevelData< EBCellFAB > &a_lhs, const int a_comp=0)
Compute the kappa-weighted sum of the input data. Assumes one component.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:2014
static void averageCellToFace(EBAMRFluxData &a_faceData, const EBAMRCellData &a_cellData, const Vector< ProblemDomain > &a_domains)
Average all components of the cell-centered data to faces.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:153
static void vectorLength2(EBAMRCellData &a_lhs, const EBAMRCellData &a_rhs)
Compute the squared vector length of a data holder. Sets a_lhs = |a_rhs|^2 where a_rhs contains Space...
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:3497
static void copy(MFAMRCellData &a_dst, const MFAMRCellData &a_src)
Copy data from one data holder to another.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:1132
static void multiplyScalar(EBAMRCellData &a_lhs, const EBAMRCellData &a_rhs)
Multiply data holder by another data holder.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:2253
static void axby(LevelData< EBCellFAB > &a_lhs, const LevelData< EBCellFAB > &a_x, const LevelData< EBCellFAB > &a_y, const Real a_a, const Real a_b) noexcept
Compute lhs = a * x + b * y.
Definition CD_DataOps.cpp:460
Base class for a tracer particle solver. This solver can advance particles in a pre-defined velocity ...
Definition CD_TracerParticleSolver.H:37
Default constructor.
Definition CD_TracerParticleSolverImplem.H:25