Declaration of a computational point particle.
Base class for a tracer particle solver. This solver can advance particles in a pre-defined velocity ...
Definition CD_TracerParticleSolver.H:37
Default constructor.
Definition CD_TracerParticleSolverImplem.H:25
LookupTable1D< Real, 1 > simpleFileReadASCII(const std::string a_fileName, const int a_xColumn=0, const int a_yColumn=1, const std::vector< char > a_ignoreChars={'#', '/'})
Simple file parser which reads a file and puts the data into two columns (a lookup table).
Definition CD_DataParser.cpp:25
List< PointParticle > readPointParticlesASCII(const std::string a_fileName, const unsigned int a_xColumn=0, const unsigned int a_yColumn=1, const unsigned int a_zColumn=2, const unsigned int a_wColumn=3, const std::vector< char > a_ignoreChars={'#', '/'})
Simple file parser which will read particles (position/weight) from an ASCII file.
Definition CD_DataParser.cpp:147
LookupTable1D< Real, 1 > fractionalFileReadASCII(const std::string a_fileName, const std::string a_startRead, const std::string a_stopRead, const int a_xColumn=0, const int a_yColumn=1, const std::vector< char > a_ignoreChars={'#', '/'})
Simple ASCII file parser which reads a file and puts the data into two columns (a lookup table)
Definition CD_DataParser.cpp:81