ImplicitFunctions Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for ImplicitFunctions:


file  CD_BoundedNoisePlane.cpp
 Declaration of a signed distance function for a noisy plane.
file  CD_BoundedNoisePlane.H [code]
 Declaration of a signed distance function for a noisy plane.
file  CD_BoxSdf.cpp
 Implements CD_BoxSdf.H.
file  CD_BoxSdf.H [code]
 Declare an interface for defining an axis-aligned box.
file  CD_CylinderSdf.cpp
 CD_Implementation of CylinderSdf.H.
file  CD_CylinderSdf.H [code]
 Declaration of a cylindrical signed distance function.
file  CD_EBGeometryIF.H [code]
 Binding of EBGeometry signed distance functions to Chombo objcts.
file  CD_EBGeometryIFImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_EBGeometryIF.H.
file  CD_GradedPerlinSphereSdf.cpp
 Implementation of CD_GradedPerlinSphereSdf.H.
file  CD_GradedPerlinSphereSdf.H [code]
 Declaration of a graded noisy sphere.
file  CD_HollowCylinderIF.cpp
 Implementation of CD_HollowCylinderIF.H.
file  CD_HollowCylinderIF.H [code]
 Declaration of a hollow cylinder implicit function.

file  CD_HyperboloidIF.cpp
 Implementation CD_HyperboloidIF.H.
file  CD_HyperboloidIF.H [code]
 Declaration of a hyperboloid implicit function.
file  CD_HyperboloidOneIF.cpp
 Implementation of CD_HyperboloidOneIF.H.
file  CD_HyperboloidOneIF.H [code]
 Declaration of a one-sheet hyperboloidal shape.
file  CD_HyperboloidTwoIF.cpp
 Implementation of CD_HyperboloidTwoIF.H.
file  CD_HyperboloidTwoIF.H [code]
 Declaration of a two-sheet hyperboloidal implicit function object.
file  CD_MushroomIF.cpp
 Implementation of CD_MushroomIF.H.
file  CD_MushroomIF.H [code]
 Declaration of a "mushroom" implicit function, i.e. a cylinder with a circular flat plate on top.
file  CD_NeedleIF.cpp
 Implementation of CD_NeedleIF.H.
file  CD_NeedleIF.H [code]
 Declaration of needle electrode (cylinder with one pointy end and one flat end)
file  CD_NewIntersectionIF.cpp
 Implementation of NewIntersectionIF.H.
file  CD_NewIntersectionIF.H [code]
 Declaration of a signed distance function which is infinitely far away from everything.
file  CD_PerlinPlaneSdf.cpp
 CD_Implementation of CD_PerlinPlaneSdf.H.
file  CD_PerlinPlaneSdf.H [code]
 Declaration of a signed distance function for a noisy plane.
file  CD_PerlinRodSdf.H [code]
 Declaration of a rod with a rounded, noisy tip.
file  CD_PerlinSdf.cpp
 Implementation of CD_PerlinSdf.H.
file  CD_PerlinSdf.H [code]
 Declaration of signed distance Perlin noise.
file  CD_PerlinSlabSdf.cpp
 Implementation of CD_PerlinSlabSdf.H.
file  CD_PerlinSlabSdf.H [code]
 Declaration of a noisy slab, i.e. a box with surface roughness.
file  CD_PerlinSphereSdf.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_PerlinSphereSdf.H.
file  CD_PolygonRodIF.cpp
 Implementation of CD_PolygonRodIF.H.
file  CD_PolygonRodIF.H [code]
 Declaration of a n-sided rod.
file  CD_ProfileCylinderIF.cpp
 Implementation of CD_ProfileCylinderIF.H.
file  CD_ProfileCylinderIF.H [code]
 Declaration of a cylinder with a surface profile.
file  CD_ProfilePlaneIF.cpp
 Implementation of CD_ProfilePlaneIF.H.
file  CD_ProfilePlaneIF.H [code]
 Declaration of an implicit function which is a plane with "holes".
file  CD_RodIF.cpp
 Implementation of CD_RodIF.H.
file  CD_RodIF.H [code]
 Declaration of a cylinder with spheres at both ends.
file  CD_RoundedBoxIF.cpp
 Implementation of CD_RoundedBoxIF.H.
file  CD_RoundedBoxIF.H [code]
 Declaration of an implicit function describing a rectangle with rounded corners (and edges in 3D)
file  CD_RoundedCylinderIF.cpp
 Implementation of CD_RoundedCylinderIF.H.
file  CD_RoundedCylinderIF.H [code]
 Declaration of a cylindrical implicit function with rounded edges.
file  CD_SignedDistanceBVH.H [code]
 Declaration of an signe distance function class that gets its value function from a DCEL surface Tesselation.
file  CD_SignedDistanceBVHImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_SignedDistanceBVH.H.
file  CD_SignedDistanceDCEL.H [code]
 Declaration of an implicit-function class that gets its value function from a DCEL surface Tesselation.
file  CD_SignedDistanceDCELImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_SignedDistanceDCEL.H.
file  CD_SphereArray.cpp
 Implementation of CD_SphereArray.H.
file  CD_SphereArray.H [code]
 Declaration of a sphere array implicit function.
file  CD_SphereSdf.H [code]
 Implementationo CD_SphereSdf.H.
file  CD_TorusSdf.cpp
 Implementation of CD_TorusSdf.H.
file  CD_TorusSdf.H [code]
 Declaration of a signed distance function for a torus.
file  CD_WedgeIF.cpp
 Implementation of CD_WedgeIF.H.
file  CD_WedgeIF.H [code]
 Declaration of an implicit function for a wedge.