ConvectionDiffusionReaction Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for ConvectionDiffusionReaction:


file  CD_CdrCTU.cpp
 Implementation of CD_CdrCTU.H.
file  CD_CdrCTU.H [code]
 Declaration of a class which implements CdrMultigrid using MUSCL for advection.
file  CD_CdrDomainBC.H [code]
 Declaration of domain boundary condition types for CdrSolver.
file  CD_CdrDomainBCImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_CdrDomainBC.H.
file  CD_CdrGodunov.cpp
 Implementation of CD_CdrGodunov.H.
file  CD_CdrGodunov.H [code]
 Declaration of a class which implements CdrMultigrid using Godunov-type advection.
file  CD_CdrIterator.H [code]
 Declaration of an iterator class for CdrLayout (for iterating through subsets of solvers).
file  CD_CdrIteratorImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CdrIterator.H.
file  CD_CdrLayout.H [code]
 Declaration of a class that holds a set of CdrSolvers (to cut down on typing).
file  CD_CdrLayoutImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_CdrLayout.H.
file  CD_CdrMultigrid.cpp
 Implementation of CD_CdrMultigrid.H.
file  CD_CdrMultigrid.H [code]
 Extensions of CdrSolver which use EBHelmholtzOp for diffusion solves.
file  CD_CdrSolver.cpp
 Implementation of CD_CdrSolver.H.
file  CD_CdrSolver.H [code]
 Declaration of an abstract class for solving scalar convection-diffusion-reaction problems.
file  CD_CdrSpecies.cpp
 Implementation of CD_CdrSpecies.H.
file  CD_CdrSpecies.H [code]
 Declaration of a class that passes information into CdrSolver (e.g., initial conditions).