ItoKMC Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for ItoKMC:


file  CD_ItoKMCFieldTagger.H [code]
 Declaration of an abstract field-only tagging class for ito plasmas.
file  CD_ItoKMCFieldTaggerImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_ItoKMCFieldTagger.H.
file  CD_ItoKMCPhotoReaction.H [code]
 Declaration of a class for holding photoionization reaction types in ito_plasma physics.
file  CD_ItoKMCPhotoReactionImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_ItoKMCPhotoReaction.H.
file  CD_ItoKMCPhysics.cpp
 Implementation of CD_ItoKMCPhysics.H.
file  CD_ItoKMCPhysics.H [code]
 Main file for describing Ito-based plasma physics.
file  CD_ItoKMCPhysicsImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_ItoKMCPhysics.H.
file  CD_ItoKMCStepper.H [code]
 Declaration of an abstract class for integrating the Ito-KMC-Poisson equations.
file  CD_ItoKMCStepperImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_ItoKMCStepper.H.
file  CD_ItoKMCSurfaceReaction.H [code]
 Declaration of a class that encapsulates a set secondary emission at EBs and domain edges/faces.
file  CD_ItoKMCSurfaceReactionImplem.H [code]
 Declaration of a class that encapsulates secondary emission at EBs and domain edges/faces.
file  CD_ItoKMCSurfaceReactions.H [code]
 Declaration of a class that encapsulates a set secondary emission at EBs and domain edges/faces.
file  CD_ItoKMCSurfaceReactionSet.H [code]
 Declaration of a class that encapsulates a set of secondary emission reactions.
file  CD_ItoKMCSurfaceReactionSetImplem.H [code]
 Declaration of a class that encapsulates secondary emission at EBs and domain edges/faces.
file  CD_ItoKMCSurfaceReactionsImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_ItoKMCSurfaceReactions.H.
file  CD_ItoKMCTagger.H [code]
 Parent tagger class for ItoKMC.
file  CD_ItoKMCTaggerImplem.H [code]
 Implementation of CD_ItoKMCTagger.H.