1 /* chombo-discharge
2  * Copyright © 2021 SINTEF Energy Research.
3  * Please refer to Copyright.txt and LICENSE in the chombo-discharge root directory.
4  */
12 #ifndef CD_LeastSquaresImplem_H
13 #define CD_LeastSquaresImplem_H
15 // Our includes
16 #include <CD_LaPackUtils.H>
17 #include <CD_LeastSquares.H>
18 #include <CD_MultiIndex.H>
19 #include <CD_NamespaceHeader.H>
21 inline Vector<Real>
22 LeastSquares::makeDiagWeights(const Vector<RealVect>& a_displacements, const int a_pow)
23 {
24  Vector<Real> ret(a_displacements.size(), 1.0);
26  if (a_pow > 0) {
27  for (int i = 0; i < a_displacements.size(); i++) {
28  const RealVect& d = a_displacements[i];
29  const Real len = d.vectorLength();
30  const Real w = std::pow(len, -a_pow);
32  ret[i] = w;
33  }
34  }
36  return ret;
37 }
39 template <typename T>
40 std::map<IntVect, std::pair<VoFStencil, VoFStencil>>
41 LeastSquares::computeDualLevelStencils(const IntVectSet& a_derivs,
42  const IntVectSet& a_knownTerms,
43  const Vector<VolIndex>& a_fineVofs,
44  const Vector<VolIndex>& a_coarVofs,
45  const Vector<RealVect>& a_fineDisplacements,
46  const Vector<RealVect>& a_coarDisplacements,
47  const int a_p,
48  const int a_order)
49 {
50  const Vector<Real> fineWeights = LeastSquares::makeDiagWeights(a_fineDisplacements, a_p);
51  const Vector<Real> coarWeights = LeastSquares::makeDiagWeights(a_coarDisplacements, a_p);
53  return LeastSquares::computeDualLevelStencils<T>(a_derivs,
54  a_knownTerms,
55  a_fineVofs,
56  a_coarVofs,
57  a_fineDisplacements,
58  a_coarDisplacements,
59  fineWeights,
60  coarWeights,
61  a_order);
62 }
64 template <typename T>
65 std::map<IntVect, std::pair<VoFStencil, VoFStencil>>
66 LeastSquares::computeDualLevelStencils(const IntVectSet& a_derivs,
67  const IntVectSet& a_knownTerms,
68  const Vector<VolIndex>& a_fineVofs,
69  const Vector<VolIndex>& a_coarVofs,
70  const Vector<RealVect>& a_fineDisplacements,
71  const Vector<RealVect>& a_coarDisplacements,
72  const Vector<Real>& a_fineWeights,
73  const Vector<Real>& a_coarWeights,
74  const int a_order)
75 {
76  // TLDR: This routine does a two-level least squares solve of a system of equations, each equation describing
77  // a Taylor series expansion up to specified order (a_order). This routine "solves" this overdetermined system
78  // using weighted least squares so that we can obtain terms in the Taylor series. The user will have specified
79  // the desired unknowns (a_derivs) to be returned in stencil form as well as any terms that were already
80  // known (a_knownTerms).
81  //
82  // The least squares solve is done by LaPack, and so the least squares system matrix is filled in Fortran
83  // order. The actual "solve" consists of using the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse and once we have inverted
84  // the system we can form stencils for each of the specified terms in the Taylor series.
85  //
86  // This routine does not contain much code, but can be difficult to understand.
88  CH_assert(a_order > 0);
89  CH_assert(a_fineVofs.size() == a_fineDisplacements.size());
90  CH_assert(a_coarVofs.size() == a_coarDisplacements.size());
91  CH_assert(a_fineVofs.size() == a_fineWeights.size());
92  CH_assert(a_coarVofs.size() == a_coarWeights.size());
94  // Initialize return stuff
95  std::map<IntVect, std::pair<VoFStencil, VoFStencil>> ret;
96  for (IVSIterator ivsIt(a_derivs); ivsIt.ok(); ++ivsIt) {
97  ret.emplace(ivsIt(), std::make_pair(VoFStencil(), VoFStencil()));
98  }
100  if (a_derivs.numPts() > 0) {
102  // This is because some unknowns (rows) can be eliminated.
103  const int M = LeastSquares::getTaylorExpansionSize(a_order) - a_knownTerms.numPts();
104  const int Kfine = a_fineDisplacements.size();
105  const int Kcoar = a_coarDisplacements.size();
106  const int K = Kfine + Kcoar;
108  const IntVectSet isect = a_derivs & a_knownTerms;
110  if (K < M) {
111  MayDay::Abort("LeastSquares::computeDualLevelStencils -- not enough equations to achieve desired order!");
112  }
113  if (!isect.isEmpty()) {
114  MayDay::Abort(
115  "LeastSquares::computeDualLevelStencils - you have specified the same terms as both unknown and known");
116  }
118  // Build the A-matrix in column major order (this is what Fortran wants) so we can use LaPackUtils::computePseudoInverse.
119  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
120  // If we have an (unweighted) full system then our system A*x = b is
121  //
122  // A x b
123  // === === ===
124  // [1 (x-x0) (x-x0)^2 ...] [f(x) ] [f(x0)]
125  // [1 (x-x1) (x-x1)^2 ...] [df/dx ] [f(x1)]
126  // [1 (x-x2) (x-x2)^2 ...] [d^2f/dx^2] = [f(x2)]
127  // [: : : ] [ : ] [ : ]
128  // [: : : ] [ : ] [ : ]
129  //
130  // Extensions to 2D/3D simply use multi-index notation, and weights are simply multiplied into each row, i.e. we
131  // solve (w*A) * x = (w*b). Inverting the system gives x = [w * A^+ * w] * b where A^+ is the Moore-Penrose
132  // pseudoinverse. We put the result of [w * A^+ * w] into a stencil.
133  //
134  // Note that columns can be eliminated through knownTerms, in which case we remove unknowns (i.e., rows) from the system.
135  // This will also correspond to a modification of the right-hand side, but the required modifications are not accesible
136  // in this routine, and so the user will have to make sense of them.
138  int i = 0; // Exists just because we fill memory linearly.
139  Vector<T> linA(K * M, 0.0); // Equal to (w*A)
140  Vector<T> linAplus(M * K, 0.0); // Equal to (w*A)^+
142  // Loop over column
143  for (MultiIndex mi(a_order); mi.ok(); ++mi) {
144  if (!a_knownTerms.contains(mi.getCurrentIndex())) {
146  // Fill column, write the system using the fine vofs first, then the coarse vofs.
147  for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
148  if (k < Kfine) {
149  linA[i] = a_fineWeights[k] * mi.pow(a_fineDisplacements[k]) / mi.factorial();
150  }
151  else {
152  linA[i] = a_coarWeights[k - Kfine] * mi.pow(a_coarDisplacements[k - Kfine]) / mi.factorial();
153  }
154  i++;
155  }
156  }
157  }
159  // Compute the pseudo-inverse.
160  const bool foundSVD = LaPackUtils::computePseudoInverse(linAplus.stdVector(), linA.stdVector(), K, M);
162  if (foundSVD) {
163  // When we have eliminated rows in the linear system we can't use MultiIndex to map directly, this occurs because
164  // if we eliminated unknowns (rows) our system can be something like (if we eliminated term f(x)):
165  //
166  // [(x-x0) (x-x0)^2 ...] [df/dx ] [f(x0) - f(x)]
167  // [(x-x1) (x-x1)^2 ...] [d^2f/dx^2] [f(x1) - f(x)]
168  // [(x-x2) (x-x2)^2 ...] [ ] = [f(x2) - f(x)]
169  // [ : : ] [ : ] [ : ]
170  // [ : : ] [ : ] [ : ]
171  //
172  // The MultiIndex won't know about this, and will (correctly!), believe that the first row corresponds to
173  // multi-index (0,0,0). Since that is truly not the case, we map the rows in A to multi-indices and use that to
174  // identify the row in (w*A)^+ that corresponds to a specific unknown in the Taylor series. This is what happens below.
175  std::map<IntVect, int> rowMap;
176  int row = 0;
177  for (MultiIndex mi(a_order); mi.ok(); ++mi) {
179  // This is the order in which A was built.
180  if (!a_knownTerms.contains(mi.getCurrentIndex())) {
181  rowMap.emplace(mi.getCurrentIndex(), row);
182  row++;
183  }
184  }
186  // Recall that linAplus is M*K so the stride is always M, starting at some specified row.
187  for (IVSIterator ivsIt(a_derivs); ivsIt.ok(); ++ivsIt) {
188  const IntVect deriv = ivsIt();
190  if (rowMap.find(ivsIt()) != rowMap.end()) {
191  row =;
192  }
193  else {
194  MayDay::Error("LeastSquares::computeDualLevelStencils -- map is out of range but this shouldn't happen!");
195  }
197  std::pair<VoFStencil, VoFStencil>& sten =;
199  sten.first.clear();
200  sten.second.clear();
202  // Map the pseudoinverse into something that is usable by a stencil. Note that linAplus is (w*A)^+, but we want
203  // the term [(w*A)^+ * w], so we also need to multiply in the weights here (because the right-hand side was also weighted).
204  for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
205  const int idx = row + k * M;
206  if (k < Kfine) {
207  sten.first.add(a_fineVofs[k], a_fineWeights[k] * linAplus[idx]);
208  }
209  else {
210  sten.second.add(a_coarVofs[k - Kfine], a_coarWeights[k - Kfine] * linAplus[idx]);
211  }
212  }
213  }
214  }
215  else {
216  MayDay::Warning("LeastSquares::computeDualLevelStencils - could not perform singular value decomposition");
217  }
218  }
220  return ret;
221 }
223 #include <CD_NamespaceFooter.H>
225 #endif
Interface to some LaPack routines.
Agglomeration of various routines that use least squares computations.
static std::map< IntVect, std::pair< VoFStencil, VoFStencil > > computeDualLevelStencils(const IntVectSet &a_derivs, const IntVectSet &a_knownTerms, const Vector< VolIndex > &a_fineVofs, const Vector< VolIndex > &a_coarVofs, const Vector< RealVect > &a_fineDisplacements, const Vector< RealVect > &a_coarDisplacements, const int a_p, const int a_order)
Compute a least squares interpolation to a specified order. This version separates the stencils into ...
Definition: CD_LeastSquaresImplem.H:41
static int getTaylorExpansionSize(const int a_order)
Get the size of a Taylor expansion for a given order.
Definition: CD_LeastSquares.cpp:416
static Vector< Real > makeDiagWeights(const Vector< RealVect > &a_displacements, const int a_pow)
Create a list of weights. This routine returns a list of diagonal weights for a least squares system....
Definition: CD_LeastSquaresImplem.H:22
SpaceDim multi-index type for use with higher order Taylor series.
Definition: CD_MultiIndex.H:30
bool ok() const
Check that multi-index is ok.
Definition: CD_MultiIndex.cpp:93
bool computePseudoInverse(std::vector< double > &a_linAplus, const std::vector< double > &a_linA, const int &a_M, const int &a_N)
Compute the pseudoinverse of matrix through singular value decomposition.
Definition: CD_LaPackUtils.cpp:163