This is the complete list of members for Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics, including all inherited members.
advanceKMC(Vector< FPR > &a_numParticles, Vector< FPR > &a_numNewPhotons, const Vector< Real > &a_phi, const Vector< RealVect > &a_gradPhi, const Real a_dt, const RealVect a_E, const RealVect a_pos, const Real a_dx, const Real a_kappa) const | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inline |
Algorithm enum name | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
computeAlpha(const Real a_E, const RealVect a_x) const =0 | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | pure virtual |
computeDiffusionCoefficients(const Real a_time, const RealVect a_pos, const RealVect a_E) const noexcept=0 | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | pure virtual |
computeDt(const RealVect a_E, const RealVect a_pos, const Vector< FPR > a_numParticles) const noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inlinevirtual |
computeEta(const Real a_E, const RealVect a_x) const =0 | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | pure virtual |
computeMobilities(const Real a_time, const RealVect a_pos, const RealVect a_E) const noexcept=0 | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | pure virtual |
define() noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inlineprotected |
defineKMC() const noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inline |
definePhotoPathways() noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inlineprotected |
defineSpeciesMap() noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inlineprotected |
getCdrSpecies() const | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inline |
getItoSpecies() const | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inline |
getNumberOfPlotVariables() const noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | virtual |
getNumCdrSpecies() const | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inline |
getNumItoSpecies() const | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inline |
getNumPhotonSpecies() const | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inline |
getNumPlasmaSpecies() const | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inline |
getPlotVariableNames() const noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | virtual |
getPlotVariables(const RealVect a_E, const RealVect a_pos, const Vector< Real > &a_phi, const Vector< RealVect > &a_gradPhi, const Real a_dx, const Real a_kappa) const noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | virtual |
getRtSpecies() const | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inline |
getSpeciesMap() const noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inline |
initialSigma(const Real a_time, const RealVect a_pos) const | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inlinevirtual |
ItoKMCPhysics() noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inline |
killKMC() const noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inline |
m_algorithm | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_cdrSpecies | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_className | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_debug | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_eps | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_hasKMCSolver | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protectedstatic |
m_isDefined | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_itoSpecies | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_kmcReactions | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_kmcReactionsThreadLocal | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protectedstatic |
m_kmcSolver | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protectedstatic |
m_kmcState | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protectedstatic |
m_maxNewParticles | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_maxNewPhotons | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_Ncrit | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_NSSA | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_particlePlacement | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_photoPathways | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_photoReactions | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_rtSpecies | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_speciesMap | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_SSAlim | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
m_surfaceReactions | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
needGradients() const noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | virtual |
parseAlgorithm() noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inlineprotected |
parseDebug() noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inlineprotected |
parsePPC() noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inlineprotected |
parseRuntimeOptions() noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inlinevirtual |
ParticlePlacement enum name | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protected |
reconcileParticles(Vector< List< ItoParticle > * > &a_particles, const Vector< FPR > &a_newNumParticles, const Vector< FPR > &a_oldNumParticles, const RealVect a_cellPos, const RealVect a_centroidPos, const RealVect a_lo, const RealVect a_hi, const RealVect a_bndryCentroid, const RealVect a_bndryNormal, const Real a_dx, const Real a_kappa) const noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inline |
reconcilePhotoionization(Vector< List< ItoParticle > * > &a_itoParticles, Vector< List< PointParticle > * > &a_cdrParticles, const Vector< List< Photon > * > &a_absorbedPhotons) const noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inline |
reconcilePhotons(Vector< List< Photon > * > &a_newPhotons, const Vector< FPR > &a_numNewPhotons, const RealVect a_cellPos, const RealVect a_centroidPos, const RealVect a_lo, const RealVect a_hi, const RealVect a_bndryCentroid, const RealVect a_bndryNormal, const Real a_dx, const Real a_kappa) const noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inline |
removeParticles(List< ItoParticle > &a_particles, const long long a_numToRemove) const | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inlineprotected |
secondaryEmissionEB(Vector< List< ItoParticle > > &a_secondaryParticles, Vector< Real > &a_cdrFluxes, Vector< List< Photon > > &a_secondaryPhotons, const Vector< List< ItoParticle > > &a_primaryParticles, const Vector< Real > &a_cdrFluxesExtrap, const Vector< List< Photon > > &a_primaryPhotons, const RealVect &a_E, const RealVect &a_physicalCellCenter, const RealVect &a_cellCentroid, const RealVect &a_bndryCentroid, const RealVect &a_bndryNormal, const Real a_bndryArea, const Real a_dx, const Real a_dt, const bool a_isDielectric, const int a_matIndex) const noexcept=0 | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | pure virtual |
updateReactionRates(std::vector< std::shared_ptr< const KMCReaction > > &a_kmcReactions, const RealVect a_E, const RealVect a_pos, const Vector< Real > &a_phi, const Vector< RealVect > &a_gradPhi, const Real a_dx, const Real a_kappa) const noexcept=0 | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | protectedpure virtual |
~ItoKMCPhysics() noexcept | Physics::ItoKMC::ItoKMCPhysics | inlinevirtual |