KMCSolver< R, State, T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for KMCSolver< R, State, T >, including all inherited members.

advanceHybrid(State &a_state, const Real a_dt, const KMCLeapPropagator &a_leapPropagator=KMCLeapPropagator::TauPlain) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
advanceHybrid(State &a_state, const ReactionList &a_reactions, const Real a_dt, const KMCLeapPropagator &a_leapPropagator=KMCLeapPropagator::TauPlain) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
advanceHybrid(State &a_state, const ReactionList &a_reactions, const Real a_dt, const std::function< void(State &, const ReactionList &a_reactions, const Real a_dt)> &a_propagator) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
advanceSSA(State &a_state, const Real a_dt) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
advanceSSA(State &a_state, const ReactionList &a_reactions, const Real a_dt) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
advanceTauMidpoint(State &a_state, const Real a_dt) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
advanceTauMidpoint(State &a_state, const ReactionList &a_reactions, const Real a_dt) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
advanceTauPlain(State &a_state, const Real a_dt) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
advanceTauPlain(State &a_state, const ReactionList &a_reactions, const Real a_dt) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
define(const ReactionList &a_reactions) noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
getCriticalTimeStep(const State &a_state) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
getCriticalTimeStep(const State &a_state, const ReactionList &a_criticalReactions) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
getCriticalTimeStep(const std::vector< Real > &a_propensities) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
getCriticalTimeStep(const Real &a_totalPropensity) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
getNonCriticalTimeStep(const State &a_state) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
getNonCriticalTimeStep(const State &a_state, const ReactionList &a_reactions) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
getNonCriticalTimeStep(const State &a_state, const ReactionList &a_nonCriticalReactions, const std::vector< Real > &a_nonCriticalPropensities) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
KMCSolver() noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
KMCSolver(const KMCSolver &)=defaultKMCSolver< R, State, T >
KMCSolver(const KMCSolver &&)=deleteKMCSolver< R, State, T >
KMCSolver(const ReactionList &a_reactions) noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
m_epsKMCSolver< R, State, T >protected
m_NcritKMCSolver< R, State, T >protected
m_numSSAKMCSolver< R, State, T >protected
m_reactionsKMCSolver< R, State, T >protected
m_SSAlimKMCSolver< R, State, T >protected
operator=(const KMCSolver &)=defaultKMCSolver< R, State, T >
operator=(const KMCSolver &&)=deleteKMCSolver< R, State, T >
partitionReactions(const State &a_state) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
partitionReactions(const State &a_state, const ReactionList &a_reactions) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
propensities(const State &a_state) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
propensities(const State &a_state, const ReactionList &a_reactions) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
ReactionList typedef (defined in KMCSolver< R, State, T >)KMCSolver< R, State, T >
setSolverParameters(const T a_numCrit, const T a_numSSA, const Real a_eps, const Real a_SSAlim) noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
stepSSA(State &a_state) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
stepSSA(State &a_state, const ReactionList &a_reactions) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
stepSSA(State &a_state, const ReactionList &a_reactions, const std::vector< Real > &a_propensities) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
stepTauMidpoint(State &a_state, const Real a_dt) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
stepTauMidpoint(State &a_state, const ReactionList &a_reactions, const Real a_dt) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
stepTauPlain(State &a_state, const Real a_dt) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
stepTauPlain(State &a_state, const ReactionList &a_reactions, const Real a_dt) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
stepTauPlain(State &a_state, const ReactionList &a_reactions, const std::vector< Real > &a_propensities, const Real a_dt) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
totalPropensity(const State &a_state) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
totalPropensity(const State &a_state, const ReactionList &a_reactions) const noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inline
~KMCSolver() noexceptKMCSolver< R, State, T >inlinevirtual