Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* chombo-discharge
2  * Copyright © 2021 SINTEF Energy Research.
3  * Please refer to Copyright.txt and LICENSE in the chombo-discharge root directory.
4  */
12 #ifndef CD_MFHelmholtzSaturationChargeJumpBCFactory_H
13 #define CD_MFHelmholtzSaturationChargeJumpBCFactory_H
15 // Our includes
17 #include <CD_NamespaceHeader.H>
23 {
24 public:
28  using BcoefPtr = RefCountedPtr<LevelData<MFBaseIVFAB>>;
34  MFHelmholtzSaturationChargeJumpBCFactory(const phase::which_phase a_phase);
54  virtual RefCountedPtr<MFHelmholtzJumpBC>
55  create(const Location::Cell a_dataLocation,
56  const MFLevelGrid& a_mflg,
57  const BcoefPtr& a_Bcoef,
58  const Real a_dx,
59  const int a_order,
60  const int a_weight,
61  const int a_radius,
62  const int a_ghostCF,
63  const IntVect a_ghostPhi) override;
65 protected:
69  phase::which_phase m_phase;
70 };
72 #include <CD_NamespaceFooter.H>
74 #endif
Declaration of a factory class for making MFHelmholtzJumpBC objects for use in a multifluid MFHelmhol...
Factory class for making jump boundary condition objects in a multifluid MFHelmholtzOp context.
Definition: CD_MFHelmholtzJumpBCFactory.H:23
Factory class for making saturation charge jump boundary condition objects in multifluid Helmholtz co...
Definition: CD_MFHelmholtzSaturationChargeJumpBCFactory.H:23
virtual ~MFHelmholtzSaturationChargeJumpBCFactory()
Default constructor.
Definition: CD_MFHelmholtzSaturationChargeJumpBCFactory.cpp:27
MFHelmholtzSaturationChargeJumpBCFactory(const phase::which_phase a_phase)
Full constructor.
Definition: CD_MFHelmholtzSaturationChargeJumpBCFactory.cpp:20
virtual RefCountedPtr< MFHelmholtzJumpBC > create(const Location::Cell a_dataLocation, const MFLevelGrid &a_mflg, const BcoefPtr &a_Bcoef, const Real a_dx, const int a_order, const int a_weight, const int a_radius, const int a_ghostCF, const IntVect a_ghostPhi) override
Factory method for creating MFHelmholtzSaturationChargeJumpBC objects.
Definition: CD_MFHelmholtzSaturationChargeJumpBCFactory.cpp:33
phase::which_phase m_phase
Which phase the saturation BC is applied on.
Definition: CD_MFHelmholtzSaturationChargeJumpBCFactory.H:69
RefCountedPtr< LevelData< MFBaseIVFAB > > BcoefPtr
Alias to cut down on typing.
Definition: CD_MFHelmholtzSaturationChargeJumpBCFactory.H:28
Wrapper class for holding multifluid EBLevelGrids.
Definition: CD_MFLevelGrid.H:29
Enum for distinguishing between cell locations.
Definition: CD_Location.H:30