12#ifndef CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage_H
13#define CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage_H
18#include <CD_NamespaceHeader.H>
41 CdrStorage(
const RefCountedPtr<AmrMesh>& a_amr,
const std::string a_realm,
const phase::which_phase a_phase);
262 FieldStorage(
const RefCountedPtr<AmrMesh>& a_amr,
const std::string a_realm,
const phase::which_phase a_phase);
358 RtStorage(
const RefCountedPtr<AmrMesh>& a_amr,
const std::string a_realm,
const phase::which_phase a_phase);
440 SigmaStorage(
const RefCountedPtr<AmrMesh>& a_amr,
const std::string a_realm,
const phase::which_phase a_phase);
492#include <CD_NamespaceFooter.H>
Declaration of core class for handling AMR-related operations (with embedded boundaries)
Declaration of the Godunov time stepper method.
Utility class for memory handling in CdrPlasmaStepper.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:28
EBAMRIFData & getDomainGrad() const
Get the scratch storage holding the extrapolated gradient (normal component only) on domain faces.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:163
phase::which_phase m_phase
Phase where data lives.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:182
virtual void allocateStorage()
Allocation function. This will allocate all transient storage in this class.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.cpp:35
EBAMRIFData m_scratchIF2
Domain-centered scratch data.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:231
EBAMRCellData m_gradient
Cell-centered scratch data for holding the gradient.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:202
EBAMRIFData & getDomainVelo() const
Get the scratch storage holding the extrapolated velocity (normal component only) on domain faces.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:145
virtual void deallocateStorage()
Allocation function. This will delete all transient storage in this class.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.cpp:61
EBAMRIFData m_scratchIF4
Domain-centered scratch data.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:241
EBAMRIVData m_scratchIV2
EB-centered scratch data.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:212
EBAMRCellData & getGradient() const
Get storage for holding gradient.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:91
EBAMRIVData m_scratchIV4
EB-centered scratch data.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:222
std::string m_realm
Realm where data lives.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:177
EBAMRIFData & getDomainFlux() const
Get the scratch storage holding the extrapolated flux on domain faces.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:154
EBAMRIVData & getEbFlux() const
Get the scratch storage holding the extrapolated flux on the EB.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:118
EBAMRCellData & getScratch2() const
Get the other scratch storage.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:73
EBAMRIVData & getEbGrad() const
Get the scratch storage holding the extrapolated gradient on the EB.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:127
EBAMRIVData & getEbState() const
Get scratch storage that holds the density on the EB.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:100
virtual ~CdrStorage()
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.cpp:29
EBAMRIFData & getDomainState() const
Get the scratch storage holding the extrapolated density on domain faces.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:136
EBAMRCellData m_scratch2
Cell-centered scratch data.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:192
EBAMRCellData & getExtrap() const
Get the extrapolation storage. This is usually used for holding phi + 0.5*dt*S.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:82
Disallowed constructor. Only strong construction allowed.
EBAMRCellData m_scratch
Cell-centered scratch data.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:187
EBAMRIVData m_scratchIV3
EB-centered scratch data.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:217
RefCountedPtr< AmrMesh > m_amr
Reference to AmrMesh.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:172
EBAMRIFData m_scratchIF3
Domain-centered scratch data.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:236
EBAMRCellData m_cellExtr
Cell-centered scratch data. Used for holding phi + 0.5*dt*S.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:197
EBAMRCellData & getScratch() const
Get scratch storage.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:64
EBAMRIVData m_scratchIV1
EB-centered scratch data.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:207
EBAMRIVData & getEbVelo() const
Get the scratch storage holding the normal component of the velocity on the EB.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:109
EBAMRIFData m_scratchIF1
Domain-centered scratch data.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:227
Utility class for memory handling in CdrPlasmaStepper.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:249
EBAMRIVData m_electricFieldEB
Scratch storage for holding electric field at the EB.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:332
virtual void allocateStorage()
Allocation function – allocates all the necessary memory.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.cpp:98
EBAMRIFData & getElectricFieldDomain() const
Get scratch storage that holds the electric field at the domainf aces.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:303
RefCountedPtr< AmrMesh > m_amr
Reference to AmrMesh.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:312
Disallowed weak constructor.
std::string m_realm
Realm where data lives.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:317
EBAMRIVData & getElectricFieldEB() const
Get scratch storage that holds the electric field at the EB.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:294
EBAMRIFData m_electricFieldDomain
Scratch storage for holding electric field at domain faces.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:337
virtual void deallocateStorage()
Deallocation function – deallocates all the necessary memory.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.cpp:108
virtual ~FieldStorage()
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.cpp:92
EBAMRCellData m_electricFieldCell
Scratch storage for holding electric field at cell center.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:327
phase::which_phase m_phase
Phase where data lives.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:322
EBAMRCellData & getElectricFieldCell() const
Get scratch storage that holds the electric field at the cell center.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:285
Utility class for memory handling in CdrPlasmaStepper.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:345
EBAMRIVData m_scratchIV
Scratch storage on EB.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:414
phase::which_phase m_phase
Phase where data lives.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:409
RefCountedPtr< AmrMesh > m_amr
Reference to AmrMesh.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:399
EBAMRIVData & getEbFlux() const
Get scratch storage that holds the EB flux.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:381
Disallowed weak constructor.
EBAMRIFData m_scratchIF
Scratch storage on domain faces.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:419
virtual void allocateStorage()
Allocate function – allocates the flux data holders.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.cpp:130
std::string m_realm
Realm where data lives.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:404
virtual ~RtStorage()
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.cpp:126
virtual void deallocateStorage()
Allocate function – deallocates the flux data holders.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.cpp:141
EBAMRIFData & getDomainFlux() const
Get scratch storage that holds the domain.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:390
Utility class for memory handling in CdrPlasmaStepper.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:427
virtual void deallocateStorage()
Allocation function – deallocates the storage.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.cpp:170
virtual ~SigmaStorage()
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.cpp:158
Disallowed weak constructor. Use full construction.
EBAMRIVData m_scratch
Scratch data.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:487
std::string m_realm
Realm where data lives.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:477
virtual void allocateStorage()
Allocation function – allocates the storage.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.cpp:162
phase::which_phase m_phase
Phase where data lives.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:482
RefCountedPtr< AmrMesh > m_amr
Reference to AmrMesh.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:472
EBAMRIVData & getScratch() const
Get scratch data.
Definition CD_CdrPlasmaGodunovStorage.H:463
Name containing various physics models for running chombo-discharge code.
Definition CD_AdvectionDiffusion.H:15